
Antoine Petit

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39EEBéatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Timed substitutions for regular signal-event languages. Formal Methods in System Design 31(2): 101-134 (2007)
38EEBéatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Intersection of Regular Signal-Event (Timed) Languages. FORMATS 2006: 52-66
37EEBéatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Refinements and Abstractions of Signal-Event (Timed) Languages. FORMATS 2006: 67-81
36EEPatricia Bouyer, Catherine Dufourd, Emmanuel Fleury, Antoine Petit: Updatable timed automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 321(2-3): 291-345 (2004)
35EEPatricia Bouyer, Deepak D'Souza, P. Madhusudan, Antoine Petit: Timed Control with Partial Observability. CAV 2003: 180-192
34EEPatricia Bouyer, Antoine Petit, Denis Thérien: An algebraic approach to data languages and timed languages. Inf. Comput. 182(2): 137-162 (2003)
33 Patricia Bouyer, Antoine Petit: A Kleene/Büchi-like Theorem for Clock Languages. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 7(2): 167-186 (2002)
32EEPatricia Bouyer, Antoine Petit, Denis Thérien: An Algebraic Characterization of Data and Timed Languages. CONCUR 2001: 248-261
31 Patricia Bouyer, Catherine Dufourd, Emmanuel Fleury, Antoine Petit: Are Timed Automata Updatable? CAV 2000: 464-479
30EEPatricia Bouyer, Catherine Dufourd, Emmanuel Fleury, Antoine Petit: Expressiveness of Updatable Timed Automata. MFCS 2000: 232-242
29EEPatricia Bouyer, Antoine Petit: Decomposition and Composition of Timed Automata. ICALP 1999: 210-219
28EEPaul Gastin, Raphaël Meyer, Antoine Petit: A (Non-elementary) Modular Decision Procedure for LTrL. MFCS 1998: 356-365
27 Raphaël Meyer, Antoine Petit: Expressive Completeness of LTrL on Finite Traces: An Algebraic Proof. STACS 1998: 533-543
26 Béatrice Bérard, Antoine Petit, Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin: Characterization of the Expressive Power of Silent Transitions in Timed Automata. Fundam. Inform. 36(2-3): 145-182 (1998)
25EEGiovanna Guaiana, Raphaël Meyer, Antoine Petit, Pascal Weil: An Extension of the Wreath Product Principle for Finite Mazurkiewicz Traces. Inf. Process. Lett. 67(6): 277-282 (1998)
24 Raphaël Meyer, Antoine Petit: Decomposition of TrPTL Formulas. MFCS 1997: 418-427
23 Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Removing epsilon-Transitions in Timed Automata. STACS 1997: 583-594
22 Bernadette Charron-Bost, Robert Cori, Antoine Petit: Introduction à l'algorithmique des objets partagés. ITA 31(2): 97-148 (1997)
21 Béatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: On the Power of Non-Observable Actions in Timed Automata. STACS 1996: 257-268
20 Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Recent Developments in Trace Theory. Developments in Language Theory 1995: 373-385
19 Sébastien Huguet, Antoine Petit: Modular Constructions of Distributing Automata. MFCS 1995: 467-478
18 Anne-Cécile Fabret, Antoine Petit: On the Undecidability of Deadlock Detection in Families of Nets. STACS 1995: 479-490
17 Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Rational and Recognizable Complex Trace Languages Inf. Comput. 116(1): 134-153 (1995)
16 Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit, Wieslaw Zielonka: An Extension of Kleene's and Ochmanski's Theorems to Infinite Traces. Theor. Comput. Sci. 125(2): 167-204 (1994)
15 Christophe Cérin, Antoine Petit: Speedup of Recognizable Trace Languages. MFCS 1993: 332-341
14 Antoine Petit: Recognizable Trace Languages, Distributed Automata and the Distribution Problem. Acta Inf. 30(1): 89-101 (1993)
13 Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: A survey of recognizable languages with infinite traces. Advances in Petri Nets: The DEMON Project 1992: 392-409
12 Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Asynchronous Cellular Automata for Infinite Traces. ICALP 1992: 583-594
11 Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Poset Properties of Complex Traces. MFCS 1992: 255-263
10 Paul Gastin, Edward Ochmanski, Antoine Petit, Brigitte Rozoy: Decidability of the Star Problem in A* x {b}*. Inf. Process. Lett. 44(2): 65-71 (1992)
9 Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit, Wieslaw Zielonka: A Kleene Theorem for Infinite Trace Languages. ICALP 1991: 254-266
8 Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Recognizable Complex Trace Languages. MFCS 1991: 131-140
7 Joffroy Beauquier, Annie Choquet, Antoine Petit, Guy Vidal-Naquet: Detection of Deadlocks in an Infinite Family of Nets. STACS 1991: 334-347
6 Antoine Petit: Distribution and Synchronized Automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 76(2-3): 285-308 (1990)
5 Antoine Petit: Characterization of Recognizable Trace Languages by Distributed Automata (Extended Abstract). MFCS 1989: 418-430
4 Joffroy Beauquier, Annie Choquet, Antoine Petit, Guy Vidal-Naquet: Syntactical Properties of Unbounded Nets of Processors. TAPSOFT, Vol.1 1989: 119-133
3 Joffroy Beauquier, Antoine Petit: Distribution of Sequential Processes. MFCS 1988: 180-189
2 Luc Boasson, Antoine Petit: Langages Algébriques Déterministes Non Générateurs. ITA 21(1): 41-57 (1987)
1 Luc Boasson, Antoine Petit: Deterministic Languages and Non-Generators. STACS 1985: 39-46

Coauthor Index

1Joffroy Beauquier [3] [4] [7]
2Béatrice Bérard [21] [26] [37] [38] [39]
3Luc Boasson [1] [2]
4Patricia Bouyer [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]
5Christophe Cérin [15]
6Bernadette Charron-Bost [22]
7Annie Choquet [4] [7]
8Robert Cori [22]
9Deepak D'Souza [35]
10Volker Diekert [8] [17] [20] [23] [26]
11Catherine Dufourd [30] [31] [36]
12Anne-Cécile Fabret [18]
13Emmanuel Fleury [30] [31] [36]
14Paul Gastin [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [20] [21] [23] [26] [28] [37] [38] [39]
15Giovanna Guaiana [25]
16Sébastien Huguet [19]
17P. Madhusudan (Parthasarathy Madhusudan) [35]
18Raphaël Meyer [24] [25] [27] [28]
19Edward Ochmanski [10]
20Brigitte Rozoy [10]
21Denis Thérien [32] [34]
22Guy Vidal-Naquet [4] [7]
23Pascal Weil [25]
24Wieslaw Zielonka [9] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)