
Eric Badouel

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23EEEric Badouel, Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji: Merging Hierarchically-Structured Documents in Workflow Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 203(5): 3-24 (2008)
22EEEric Badouel, Marek A. Bednarczyk, Andrzej M. Borzyszkowski, Benoît Caillaud, Philippe Darondeau: Concurrent Secrets. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 17(4): 425-446 (2007)
21EEEric Badouel, Jules Chenou, Goulven Guillou: An Axiomatization of the Token Game Based on Petri Algebras. Fundam. Inform. 77(3): 187-215 (2007)
20EEEric Badouel, Jules Chenou, Goulven Guillou: Petri Algebras. ICALP 2005: 742-754
19EEEric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: The synthesis of Petri nets from path-automatic specifications. Inf. Comput. 193(2): 117-135 (2004)
18EEEric Badouel, Jules Chenou: Nets Enriched over Closed Monoidal Structures. ICATPN 2003: 64-81
17 Eric Badouel, Marisa Llorens, Javier Oliver: Modeling Concurrent Systems: Reconfigurable Nets. PDPTA 2003: 1568-1574
16EEEric Badouel, Benoît Caillaud, Philippe Darondeau: Distributing Finite Automata Through Petri Net Synthesis. Formal Asp. Comput. 13(6): 447-470 (2002)
15EEEric Badouel, Marek A. Bednarczyk, Philippe Darondeau: Generalized Automata and Their Net Representations. Unifying Petri Nets 2001: 304-345
14 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau, Andrew Tokmakoff: Modelling Dynamic Agent Systems with Cooperating Automata. PDPTA 1999: 11-17
13 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau, Jean-Claude Raoult: Context-Free Event Domains are Recognizable. Inf. Comput. 149(2): 134-172 (1999)
12 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: Stratified Petri Nets. FCT 1997: 117-128
11EEEric Badouel, Luca Bernardinello, Philippe Darondeau: The Synthesis Problem for Elementary Net Systems is NP-Complete. Theor. Comput. Sci. 186(1-2): 107-134 (1997)
10 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: Theory of Regions. Petri Nets 1996: 529-586
9 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau, Jean-Claude Raoult: Context-Free Event Domains are Recognizable. AMAST 1995: 214-229
8 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: Dualities Between Nets and Automata Induced by Schizophrenic Objects. Category Theory and Computer Science 1995: 24-43
7 Eric Badouel, Luca Bernardinello, Philippe Darondeau: Polynomial Algorithms for the Synthesis of Bounded Nets. TAPSOFT 1995: 364-378
6 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: Trace Nets and Process Automata Acta Inf. 32(7): 647-679 (1995)
5 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: Structural Operational Specifications and the Trace Automata. CONCUR 1992: 302-316
4 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: Trace Nets. REX Workshop 1992: 21-50
3 Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau: On Guarded Recursion. Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(2): 403-408 (1991)
2 Eric Badouel: Algebraic Closed Theories. MFCS 1989: 155-164
1 Eric Badouel: Terms and Infinite Trees as Monads Over a Signature. TAPSOFT, Vol.1 1989: 89-103

Coauthor Index

1Marek A. Bednarczyk [15] [22]
2Luca Bernardinello [7] [11]
3Andrzej M. Borzyszkowski [22]
4Benoît Caillaud [16] [22]
5Jules Chenou [18] [20] [21]
6Philippe Darondeau [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [22]
7Goulven Guillou [20] [21]
8Marisa Llorens [17]
9Javier Oliver [17]
10Jean-Claude Raoult [9] [13]
11Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji [23]
12Andrew Tokmakoff [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)