4. MFCS 1975:
Mariánské Lázne,
Jirí Becvár (Ed.):
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1975, 4th Symposium, Mariánské Lázne, Czechoslovakia, September 1-5, 1975, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 32 Springer 1975 BibTeX
editor = {Jir\'{\i} Becv{\'a}r},
title = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1975, 4th Symposium,
Mari{\'a}nsk{\'e} L{\'a}zne, Czechoslovakia, September
1-5, 1975, Proceedings},
booktitle = {MFCS},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {32},
year = {1975},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
- Jirí Adámek:
Automata and Categories: Finiteness Contra Minimality.
160-166 BibTeX
- A. V. Anisimov:
Languages Over Free Groups.
167-171 BibTeX
- Giorgio Ausiello, Marco Protasi:
On the Comparison of Notions of Approximation.
172-178 BibTeX
- M. Benesová, Ivan Korec:
Non-Linear Speed-Up Theorem for Two Register Minsky Machines.
179-185 BibTeX
- Eike Best, Hans Albrecht Schmid:
Systems of Open Paths in Petri Nets.
186-193 BibTeX
- Luc Boasson:
on the Largest Full Sub-AFL of the Full AFL of Context-Free Languages.
194-198 BibTeX
- Michal Chytil:
On Complexity of Nondeterministic Turing Machines Computations.
199-205 BibTeX
- Alexander Ja. Dikovsky:
On Closure Properties of Context-Free Derivation Complexity Classes.
206-211 BibTeX
- Venelin K. Evtimov:
Control Structures in Single Block Programs.
212-218 BibTeX
- R. V. Freivald:
Minimal Gödel Numbers and Their Identification in the Limit.
219-225 BibTeX
- Ferenc Gécseg:
Isomorphic Representation of Automata.
226-230 BibTeX
- Hartmann J. Genrich:
Extended Simple Regular Expressions.
231-237 BibTeX
- Giuseppina C. Gini, Maria L. Gini:
Conniver Programs by Logical Point of View.
238-245 BibTeX
- Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse:
On the Set of All Automata with the Same Monoid of Endomorphisms.
246-251 BibTeX
- Ivan M. Havel:
Nondterministically Recognizable Sets of Languages.
252-257 BibTeX
- Tomás Havránek:
The Approximation Problem in Computational Statistics.
258-265 BibTeX
- Klaus Indermark:
The Continuous Algebra of Monadic Languages.
266-270 BibTeX
- Max I. Kanovic:
On Sets of Complex-Programmed Numbers.
271-272 BibTeX
- Marek Karpinski:
Decision Algorithms for Havel's Branching Automata.
273-279 BibTeX
- Václav Koubek, Jan Reiterman:
Automata and Categories - Input Processes.
280-286 BibTeX
- Fred Kröger:
Formalization of Algorithmic Reasoning.
287-293 BibTeX
- Giorgio Levi, Franco Sirovich:
Proving Program Properties, Symbolic Evaluation and Logical Procedural Semantics.
294-301 BibTeX
- Jan Maluszynski:
A Contribution to Error Recovery.
302-307 BibTeX
- Otto Mayer:
On the Analysis and Synthesis Problems for Context-Free Expressions.
308-314 BibTeX
- Kurt Mehlhorn, Zvi Galil:
Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product.
315-319 BibTeX
- Ivan Mezník:
On Some Lattice-Theoretic Properties of Generable Languages.
320-325 BibTeX
- Larisa S. Modina:
On Some Formal Grammars Generating Dependency Trees.
326-329 BibTeX
- Peter A. Ng, Pei Hsia, Raymond T. Yeh:
Graph Walking Automata.
330-336 BibTeX
- Jürgen Perl:
On Finding All Solutions of the Partitioning Problem.
337-343 BibTeX
- Alica Pirická-Kelemenová:
Greibach Normal Form Complexity.
344-350 BibTeX
- Rimma I. Podlovchenko:
On Correctness and Essentiality of Some Ianov Schemas Equivalence Relations.
351-357 BibTeX
- Pavel Pudlák:
Polynomially Complete Problems in the Logic of Automated Discovery.
358-361 BibTeX
- Vaclav Rajlich:
Relational definition of Computer Languages.
362-376 BibTeX
- Willem P. de Roever:
First-Order Reductions of Call-by-Name to Call-by-Value.
377-398 BibTeX
- Peter Ruzicka:
Local Disambiguating Transformation.
399-404 BibTeX
- Dan A. Simovici:
On Cardinal Sequential Outer Measures.
405-410 BibTeX
- Mark B. Trakhtenbrot:
On Representation of Sequential and Parallel Functions.
411-417 BibTeX
- G. E. Tseytlin:
The Theory of the Modified Post Algebras and Multidimensional Automata Structures.
418-425 BibTeX
- Raymond Turner:
An Algebraic Theory of Formal Languages.
426-431 BibTeX
- Mars K. Valiev:
On Polynomial Reducibility of Word Problem Under Embedding of Recursively Presented Groups in Finitely Presented Groups.
432-438 BibTeX
- Rüdiger Valk:
On the Synthesis of Automata with Several Initial States.
439-444 BibTeX
- Klaus W. Wagner:
A Hierarchy of Regular Sequence Sets.
445-449 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Wechler:
R-Fuzzy Grammars.
450-456 BibTeX
- Gerd Wechsung:
Characterization of Some Classes of Context-Free Languages in Terms of Complexity Classes.
457-461 BibTeX
- Rolf Wiehagen:
Inductive Inference of Recursive Functions.
462-464 BibTeX
- Józef Winkowski:
Proving Properties of Programs by Means of Predicate Logic.
465-471 BibTeX
- Boleslaw Wojdylo:
A Generalization of Scott's Flow Diagrams.
472-476 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:29:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)