
Tomás Havránek

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7EEPetr Jirku, Tomás Havránek: On Verbosity Levels In Cognitive Problem Solvers. COLING 1982: 142-145
6 Tomás Havránek: The Present State of the GUHA Software. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 15(3): 253-264 (1981)
5 Tomás Havránek: The GUHA Method in the Context of Data Analysis. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 15(3): 265-282 (1981)
4 Tomás Havránek: Formal Systems for Mechanized Statistical Inference. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 15(3): 333-350 (1981)
3 Petr Hájek, Tomás Havránek: On Generation of Inductive Hypotheses. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 9(4): 415-438 (1977)
2 Tomás Havránek, Milos Chyba, Dan Pokorny: Processing Sociological Data by the GUHA Method - An Example. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 9(4): 439-447 (1977)
1 Tomás Havránek: The Approximation Problem in Computational Statistics. MFCS 1975: 258-265

Coauthor Index

1Milos Chyba [2]
2Petr Hájek [3]
3Petr Jirku [7]
4Dan Pokorny [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)