
Alexander Ja. Dikovsky

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29EEDenis Béchet, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Annie Foret, Emmanuelle Garel: Optional and Iterated Types for Pregroup Grammars. LATA 2008: 88-100
28EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: Generalized Categorial Dependency Grammars. Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 230-255
27EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Mars K. Valiev: Temporal Verification of Probabilistic Multi-Agent Systems. Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 256-265
26EEAlexander Ja. Dikovsky: A Finite-State Functional Grammar Architecture. WoLLIC 2007: 131-146
25EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Mars K. Valiev: On complexity of verification of interacting agents' behavior. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 141(3): 336-362 (2006)
24EEDenis Béchet, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Annie Foret: Dependency Structure Grammars. LACL 2005: 18-34
23EEAlexander Ja. Dikovsky: Underspecified Semantics for Dependency Grammars. MICAI 2005: 741-751
22EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Mars K. Valiev: On feasible cases of checking multi-agent systems behavior. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1(303): 63-81 (2003)
21EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Mars K. Valiev: Complexity of Multi-agent Systems Behavior. JELIA 2002: 125-136
20EEAlexander Ja. Dikovsky: Grammars for Local and Long Dependencies. ACL 2001: 156-163
19EEAlexander Ja. Dikovsky: Polarized Non-projective Dependency Grammars. LACL 2001: 139-157
18 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Sergey Dudakov, Nicolas Spyratos: Maximal state independent approximations to minimal real change. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 33(2-4): 157-204 (2001)
17EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Sergey Dudakov: On Complexity of Updates through Integrity Constraints. Computational Logic 2000: 867-881
16EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Sergey Dudakov, Nicolas Spyratos: Maximal Expansions of Database Updates. FoIKS 2000: 72-87
15EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Mars K. Valiev: Applying Temporal Logic to Analysis of Behavior of Cooperating Logic Programs. Ershov Memorial Conference 1999: 228-234
14 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Nicolas Spyratos: Incremental Expansion of Database Updates Through Integrity Constraints. JFPLC 1999: 189-204
13EEMichael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Sergey Dudakov, Nicolas Spyratos: Monotone Expansion of Updates in Logical Databases. LPNMR 1999: 132-146
12 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Nicolas Spyratos: On Logically Justified Updates. IJCSLP 1998: 250-264
11 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: Total Homeostaticity and Integrity Constraints Restorability Recognition. ICLP 1997: 241-255
10 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: Recognition of Deductive Data Base Stability. LFCS 1997: 67-77
9 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Nicolas Spyratos: On Conservative Enforced Updates. LPNMR 1997: 244-257
8 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: On Homeostatic Behavior of Dynamic Deductive Data Bases. Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 420-432
7 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: Dynamic Deductive Data Bases With Steady Behaviour. ICLP 1995: 183-197
6 Michael I. Dekhtyar, Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: On Stable Behaviour of Dynamic Deductive Data Bases. SLP 1994: 677
5 Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: Abstract Complexity of Prolog Based on WAM. PLILP 1993: 365-377
4 Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: On the Computational Complexity of Prolog Programs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 119(1): 63-102 (1993)
3 Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: Prolog Semantics for Measuring Space Consumption. RCLP 1991: 177-192
2 Alexander Ja. Dikovsky, Larisa S. Modina: On Three Types of Unambiguity of Context-Free Languages. ICALP 1977: 193-205
1 Alexander Ja. Dikovsky: On Closure Properties of Context-Free Derivation Complexity Classes. MFCS 1975: 206-211

Coauthor Index

1Denis Béchet [24] [29]
2Michael I. Dekhtyar [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [21] [22] [25] [27] [28]
3Sergey Dudakov [13] [16] [17] [18]
4Annie Foret [24] [29]
5Emmanuelle Garel [29]
6Larisa S. Modina [2]
7Nicolas Spyratos [9] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18]
8Mars K. Valiev [15] [21] [22] [25] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)