
Mark B. Trakhtenbrot

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11EEMikhail Auguston, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Synthesis of Monitors for Real-Time Analysis of Reactive Systems. Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 72-86
10EEJudith Gal-Ezer, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Algebraic characterization of regular languages: how to cope with all these equivalences? ITiCSE 2006: 325
9EEJudith Gal-Ezer, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Challenges in teaching the pumping lemma in automata theory course. ITiCSE 2005: 369
8EEMark B. Trakhtenbrot: Use of Verification for Testing and Debugging of Complex Reactive Systems. SEFM 2005: 13-22
7EEMark B. Trakhtenbrot: Analysis of typical misconceptions in a theoretical CS course, and how to address them in e-learning. ITiCSE 2003: 241
6 Bruce Powel Douglass, David Harel, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Statecharts in Use: Structured Analysis and Object-Orientation. European Educational Forum: School on Embedded Systems 1996: 368-394
5EEDavid Harel, Hagi Lachover, Amnon Naamad, Amir Pnueli, Michal Politi, Rivi Sherman, Aharon Shtull-Trauring, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: STATEMATE: A Working Environment for the Development of Complex Reactive Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(4): 403-414 (1990)
4 Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Some Equivalent Transformations of Recursive Programs Based on Their Schematic Properties. Inf. Process. Lett. 18(5): 275-283 (1984)
3 Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Relationships Between Classes of Monotonic Functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 2(2): 225-247 (1976)
2 Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: On Representation of Sequential and Parallel Functions. MFCS 1975: 411-417
1 Victor N. Kasyanov, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: Program structure analysis in a global optimization. Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation 1975: 90-104

Coauthor Index

1Mikhail Auguston [11]
2Bruce Powel Douglass [6]
3Judith Gal-Ezer [9] [10]
4David Harel [5] [6]
5Victor N. Kasyanov [1]
6Hagi Lachover [5]
7Amnon Naamad [5]
8Amir Pnueli [5]
9Michal Politi [5]
10Rivi Sherman [5]
11Aharon Shtull-Trauring [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)