Bernard C. Glasson, Igor Hawryszkiewycz, Alan Underwood, Ron Weber (Eds.):
Business Process Re-Engineering: Information Systems Opportunities and Challenges, Proceedings of the IFIP TC8 Open Conference on Business Re-engineering: Information Systems Opportunities and Challenges, Queensland Gold Cost, Australia, 8-11 May, 1994.
IFIP Transactions A-54 Elsevier 1994, ISBN 0-444-82062-0 BibTeX
editor = {Bernard C. Glasson and
Igor Hawryszkiewycz and
Alan Underwood and
Ron Weber},
title = {Business Process Re-Engineering: Information Systems Opportunities
and Challenges, Proceedings of the IFIP TC8 Open Conference on
Business Re-engineering: Information Systems Opportunities and
Challenges, Queensland Gold Cost, Australia, 8-11 May, 1994},
booktitle = {Business Process Re-Engineering},
publisher = {Elsevier},
series = {IFIP Transactions},
volume = {A-54},
year = {1994},
isbn = {0-444-82062-0},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Editorial and Invited Papers
Submitted Papers
- Soon Ang:
Toward conceptual clarity of outsourcing.
113-126 BibTeX
- David Arnott, Peter A. O'Donnell:
Business process re-engineering and decision support systems: a cautionary tale.
127-135 BibTeX
- Gro Bjerknes:
Integration of data or information? An example from the police.
137-145 BibTeX
- Carey Butler:
The role of I/T in facilitating BPR: observations from the literature.
147-160 BibTeX
- Patrick Calvert:
An advanced BPR methodology with integrated, computer based tools.
161-170 BibTeX
- Angèle L. M. Cavaye, Paul B. Cragg:
A success factors model for inter-organisational systems.
171-179 BibTeX
- Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic:
Business process redesign al the reconstruction of a communicative space.
181-190 BibTeX
- Johnny Chu:
Mobil Oil Australia's strategic electronic card marketing system.
191-200 BibTeX
- Jane F. Craig, Philip Yetton:
Top down and bottom up management of BPR.
201-210 BibTeX
- Christopher N. G. Dampney, Michael Johnson, Peter Dazeley, Verena Reich:
A higher order "commuting loop" structure that supports very large information system data and process architecture.
211-222 BibTeX
- L. J. Davies, Michael D. Myers:
Scholarship and practice: the contribution of ethnographic research methods to bridging the gap.
223-231 BibTeX
- Jan L. G. Dietz:
Modelling business processes for the purpose of redesign.
233-242 BibTeX
- Jana Dospisil, Tony Polgar:
Methodology for reducing the complexity of large hypermedia projects.
243-255 BibTeX
- D. Dunkle, J. N. Perry, Kenneth L. Kraemer, John Leslie King:
Distributable computing and organizational democratization: examining a powerful myth.
257-268 BibTeX
- Yuan Gao, Hans Oppelland:
Using IT to support MIS planning: a literature review.
269-278 BibTeX
- Han Gerrits:
Business modeling based on logistics to support business process re-engineering.
279-288 BibTeX
- Igor Hawryszkiewycz:
Using workgroup modeling as a basis for re-engineering business processes.
289-298 BibTeX
- W. G. Hewett:
If outsourcing IT is the answer - what is the question?.
299-308 BibTeX
- Andrew Hutchison:
CSCW as opportunity for business process re-engineering.
309-318 BibTeX
- D. Ross Jeffery, Victor R. Basili, Michael Berry:
Establishing measurement for software quality improvement.
319-329 BibTeX
- Stuart F. Jones, Geoffrey N. Dick:
The business information technology program at UNSW: meeting the needs of industry?.
331-341 BibTeX
- Mary Lacity, Rudy Hirschheim:
IS outsourcing evaluations: lessons from the field.
343-355 BibTeX
- Michael Lawrence, Graham C. Low:
Individual user satisfication within user-led development: a longitudinal study.
357-366 BibTeX
- Michael Lawrence, Marcus O'Connor:
Decision support systems for the forecasting task: design issues and challenges.
367-376 BibTeX
- H. P. Lehmann:
Coupling core competencies - wiring information technology into the business.
377-385 BibTeX
- Lawrence Lim, John Fletcher:
Implementing EDI at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur: a case study in business process re-engineering.
387-396 BibTeX
- Louis C. K. Ma, Janice M. Burn:
Re-engineering the information systems curricula through integrated research: a Hong Kong model.
397-408 BibTeX
- Magnus Mähring:
Business process development projects: the role of the top manager.
409-420 BibTeX
- Andrew Martin:
Workflow support for re-engineering case management in an English law firm.
421-432 BibTeX
- Boon-Siong Neo:
IT-Enabled business re-engineering: a study of Singapore's trade clearance process.
433-442 BibTeX
- T. William Olle:
Expanding methodologies to handle distributed systems.
443-457 BibTeX
- B. Parker:
Business re-engineering and management alignment - a review of structural re-engineering in the public sector and the problem of management alignment with enterprise objectives.
459-468 BibTeX
- Graham Pervan:
A case for more case study research in group support systems.
469-479 BibTeX
- Otto Petrovic, Helmut E. Zsifkovits:
Business process re-engineering as an enabling factor for lean management.
481-492 BibTeX
- M. A. Quaddus:
An MCDM based interactive support system with application to business process redesign.
493-502 BibTeX
- Neil C. Ramiller:
Accomplishing process change in the information systems organization: two contemporary challenges.
503-512 BibTeX
- Anne Rouse, David Watson:
Some classic theories of organizational change, and their implications for business process innovation and re-engineering.
513-523 BibTeX
- Chris Sauer:
Information systems for reengineering? No problem! - configuring resources for the information systems development process for different forms of business process reengineering.
525-534 BibTeX
- Michael Sherwood-Smith:
People centred process re-engineering: an evaluation prespective to office systems to re-design.
535-544 BibTeX
- Ignace Snellen:
Automation policy implementation: re-engineering from within public administration.
545-556 BibTeX
- Margaret Tan, Chee Yuen Yap:
A study of TQM practice on software development in Singapore.
557-566 BibTeX
- Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, Kalle Lyytinen:
Modeling information systems in business development: alternative perspectives on business process re-engineering.
567-579 BibTeX
- Jeroen W. van Meel, Pieter W. G. Bots, Henk G. Sol:
Towards a research framework for business engineering.
581-592 BibTeX
- Alex A. Verrijn-Stuart:
Integration requirements for tool-based generation of information system documentation.
593-602 BibTeX
- Richard T. Vidgen, Jeremy Rose, Bob Wood, A. T. Wood-Harper:
Business process reengineering: the need for a methodology to re-vision the organization.
603-612 BibTeX
- Gerhard E. Wittig, Gavin R. Finnie:
Software design for the automation of unadjusted function point counting.
613-623 BibTeX
- Yun Yang:
Effective integration of multiple tools in a loosely-coupled tool interfacing paradigm for CASE.
625-634 BibTeX
- Yanchun Zhang, Yun Yang:
On operation synchronisation in cooperative editing environments.
635-644 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:22:54 2009
by Michael Ley (