
Angèle L. M. Cavaye

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8 Stephano L. D. Ah-Fock, Angèle L. M. Cavaye: The Effect of Reusability on Perceived Competitive Performance of Australian Software Firms. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 35(3): 183-196 (2003)
7 Michael S. Lane, Angèle L. M. Cavaye: Integrating Web and Database Marketing: Australian Study of Direct Marketing Firms. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 32(3/4): 168-180 (2000)
6EEAngèle L. M. Cavaye: Transnational information systems - a challenge for technical and general managers. SIGCPR 1997: 197-203
5EEMagid Igbaria, Nancy Zinatelli, Paul B. Cragg, Angèle L. M. Cavaye: Personal Computing Acceptance Factors in Small Firms: A Structural Equation Model. MIS Quarterly 21(3): (1997)
4EEAngèle L. M. Cavaye: The Why and Why Not of User Participation in IOS Development. Electronic Markets 5(1): (1995)
3 Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Angèle L. M. Cavaye: Reengineering the role of IS professionals. Business Process Re-Engineering 1994: 17-26
2 Angèle L. M. Cavaye, Paul B. Cragg: A success factors model for inter-organisational systems. Business Process Re-Engineering 1994: 171-179
1EEAngèle L. M. Cavaye: Electronic Linking of Organizations and the Sponsor-Adopter Gap. Electronic Markets 4(2): (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Stephano L. D. Ah-Fock [8]
2Niels Bjørn-Andersen [3]
3Paul B. Cragg [2] [5]
4Magid Igbaria [5]
5Michael S. Lane [7]
6Nancy Zinatelli [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)