
Margaret Tan

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11EEPeter Keen, Margaret Tan: Knowledge Fusion: A Framework for extending the Rigor and Relevance of Knowledge Management. IJKM 3(4): 1-17 (2007)
10EEThompson S. H. Teo, Margaret Tan, Suat Nee Peck: Adopters and non-adopters of internet stock trading in Singapore. Behaviour & IT 23(3): 211-223 (2004)
9EEGeert-Jan Hofstede, Chrisanthi Avgerou, Robert M. Davison, J. Roberto Evaristo, Margaret Tan, Rita Walczuch: Panel: What would you do ... ? Multicultural IS Cases. ECIS 2000
8EEMargaret Tan, Thompson S. H. Teo: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Banking. J. AIS 1: (2000)
7EED. Sandy Staples, Arnstein Borstad, Nava Pliskin, Celia T. Romm, Margaret Tan, Scharam Dusdar: Telework practice across national cultures (panel session). ICIS 1998: 429-430
6EEThompson S. H. Teo, Margaret Tan: Quantitative and Qualitative Errors in Spreadsheet Development. HICSS (3) 1997: 149-
5EEMargaret Tan, Tung X. Bui: Exploring the Impacts of Electronic Imaging on Organizational Process, Structure, and Strategy. HICSS (5) 1996: 33-42
4 Margaret Tan, Chee Yuen Yap: A study of TQM practice on software development in Singapore. Business Process Re-Engineering 1994: 557-566
3 Tung X. Bui, Ting-Peng Liang, T. Matsuzaki, Margaret Tan: The Diffusion of IT in the Year 2000: The Asia Pacific Context. ICIS 1994: 497-498
2 Margaret Tan, Chee Yuen Yap: Impact of Organisational Maturity on Software Quality. Software Quality and Productivity 1994: 231-234
1 Margaret Tan: Using Communication Theory for Systems Design: A Model for Eliciting Information Requirements. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development 1993: 241-262

Coauthor Index

1Chrisanthi Avgerou [9]
2Arnstein Borstad [7]
3Tung X. Bui [3] [5]
4Robert M. Davison [9]
5Scharam Dusdar [7]
6J. Roberto Evaristo [9]
7Geert-Jan Hofstede [9]
8Peter Keen [11]
9Ting-Peng Liang [3]
10T. Matsuzaki [3]
11Suat Nee Peck [10]
12Nava Pliskin [7]
13Celia T. Romm [7]
14D. Sandy Staples [7]
15Thompson S. H. Teo [6] [8] [10]
16Rita Walczuch [9]
17Chee Yuen Yap [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)