
Gro Bjerknes

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7EEMaxine Robertson, Sue Newell, Jacky Swan, Lars Mathiassen, Gro Bjerknes: The issue of gender within computing: reflections from the UK and Scandinavia. Inf. Syst. J. 11(2): 111-126 (2001)
6EEGro Bjerknes, Lars Mathiassen: Improving the Customer-Supplier Relation in IT Development. HICSS 2000
5EELars Mathiassen, Gro Bjerknes, Karlheinz Kautz, Peter Axel Nielsen, Erik Stolterman: Out of Scandinavia: the history and contributions of an IS research tradition (invited session). ICIS 1998: 434-435
4 Gro Bjerknes: Integration of data or information? An example from the police. Business Process Re-Engineering 1994: 137-145
3 Gro Bjerknes: Some PD Advice. Commun. ACM 36(6): 39 (1993)
2EEGro Bjerknes, Tone Bratteteig: The Memoirs of two Survivors: or the Evaluation of a Computer System for Cooperative Work. CSCW 1988: 167-177
1 Gro Bjerknes, Tone Bratteteig: Computers - Utensils or Epaulets? The Application Perspective Revisited. AI Soc. 2(3): 258-266 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Tone Bratteteig [1] [2]
2Karlheinz Kautz [5]
3Lars Mathiassen [5] [6] [7]
4Sue Newell [7]
5Peter Axel Nielsen [5]
6Maxine Robertson [7]
7Erik Stolterman [5]
8Jacky Swan [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)