
Lawrence W. Dowdy

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40 Nilabja Roy, Akshay Dabholkar, Nathan Hamm, Lawrence W. Dowdy, Douglas C. Schmidt: Modeling Software Contention using Colored Petri Nets. MASCOTS 2008: 317-324
39EEBaochuan Lu, Michael Tinker, Amy W. Apon, Doug Hoffman, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Adaptive Automatic Grid Reconfiguration Using Workload Phase Identification. e-Science 2005: 172-180
38EEJaiganesh Balasubramanian, Douglas C. Schmidt, Lawrence W. Dowdy, Ossama Othman: Evaluating the Performance of Middleware Load Balancing Strategies. EDOC 2004: 135-146
37EEAmy W. Apon, Thomas D. Wagner, Lawrence W. Dowdy: A Learning Approach to Processor Allocation in Parallel Systems. CIKM 1999: 531-537
36EELawrence W. Dowdy, Emilia Rosti, Giuseppe Serazzi, Evgenia Smirni: Scheduling issues in high-performance computing. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 26(4): 60-69 (1999)
35 Emilia Rosti, Evgenia Smirni, Lawrence W. Dowdy, Giuseppe Serazzi, Kenneth C. Sevcik: Processor Saving Scheduling Policies for Multiprocessor Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(2): 178-189 (1998)
34 Amy W. Apon, Lawrence W. Dowdy: The Circulating Processor Model of Parallel Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(5): 572-587 (1997)
33 Jitendra Padhye, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Dynamic versus Adaptive Processor Allocation Policies for Message Passing Parallel Computers: An Empirical Comparison. JSSPP 1996: 224-243
32 Elizabeth Varki, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Response Time Analysis of Two Server Fork-Join Systems. MASCOTS 1996: 291-295
31 Elizabeth Varki, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Analysis of Balanced Fork-Join Queueing Networks. SIGMETRICS 1996: 232-241
30 Chrisila C. Pettey, Thomas D. Wagner, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Using GAs to Characterize Workloads. ICGA 1995: 582-588
29 Evgenia Smirni, Emilia Rosti, Giuseppe Serazzi, Lawrence W. Dowdy, Kenneth C. Sevcik: Performance Gains from Leaving Idle Processors in Multiprocessor Systems. ICPP (3) 1995: 203-210
28 Jitendra Padhye, Anirudha D. Rahatekar, Lawrence W. Dowdy: A Simple LAN File Placement Strategy. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 396-406
27 Emilia Rosti, Evgenia Smirni, Giuseppe Serazzi, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Analysis of Non-Work-Conserving Processor Partitioning Policies. JSSPP 1995: 165-181
26 Evgenia Smirni, C. A. Childers, Emilia Rosti, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Thread Placement on the Intel Paragon: Modeling and Experimentation. MASCOTS 1995: 226-231
25 Jürgen Brehm, Manish Madhukar, Evgenia Smirni, Lawrence W. Dowdy: PerPreT - A Performance Prediction Tool for Massive Parallel Sysytems. MMB 1995: 284-298
24 Thomas D. Wagner, Evgenia Smirni, Amy W. Apon, Manish Madhukar, Lawrence W. Dowdy: The Effects of Thread Placement on the KSR1. IPPS 1994: 618-624
23 Chrisila C. Pettey, Thomas D. Wagner, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Applying Genetic Algorithms to Extract Workload Classes. Int. CMG Conference 1994: 880-887
22EEBrian M. Carlson, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Static Processor Allocation in a Soft Real-Time Multiprocessor Environment. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(3): 316-320 (1994)
21EELawrence W. Dowdy, Michael R. Leuze: On Modeling Partitioned Multiprocessor Systems. International Journal of High Speed Computing 6(1): 31-53 (1994)
20 Emilia Rosti, Evgenia Smirni, Lawrence W. Dowdy, Giuseppe Serazzi, Brian M. Carlson: Robust Partitioning Policies of Multiprocessor Systems. Perform. Eval. 19(2-3): 141-165 (1994)
19 Emilia Rosti, Evgenia Smirni, Thomas D. Wagner, Amy W. Apon, Lawrence W. Dowdy: The KSR1: Experimentation and Modeling of Poststore. SIGMETRICS 1993: 74-85
18EELawrence W. Dowdy, Brian M. Carlson, Alan T. Krantz, Satish K. Tripathi: Single-Class Bounds of Multi-Class Queuing Networks. J. ACM 39(1): 188-213 (1992)
17 J. Craig Lowery, Lawrence W. Dowdy: New Directions in Model Calibration. Int. CMG Conference 1991: 343-353
16 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Alan T. Krantz, Michael R. Leuze: Using a Segregation Measure for the Workload Characterization of Multi-Class Queuing Networks. Int. CMG Conference 1990: 543-551
15EEK. Dussa, Brian M. Carlson, Lawrence W. Dowdy, K.-H. Park: Dynamic Partitioning in a Transputer Environment. SIGMETRICS 1990: 203-213
14 Lawrence W. Dowdy, F. Jefferson Flowers: A Comparison of Calibration Techniques for Queuing Network Models. Int. CMG Conference 1989: 644-655
13 Lawrence W. Dowdy: Performance Prediction Modeling: A Tutorial. SIGMETRICS 1989: 214
12 Michael R. Leuze, Lawrence W. Dowdy, K.-H. Park: Multiprogramming a Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 1(1): 19-34 (1989)
11 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Karen D. Gordon: Performance Sensitivity with Respect to the Distribution of the Multiprogramming Level. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 2(2): 92-98 (1987)
10 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Manvinder S. Chopra: On the Applicability of Using Multiprogramming Level Distributions. SIGMETRICS 1985: 116-127
9 Lindsey E. Stephens, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Convolutional Bound Hierarchies. SIGMETRICS 1984: 120-133
8 Alfredo de J. Perez-Davila, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Parameter Interdependencies of File Placement Models in a Unix System. SIGMETRICS 1984: 15-26
7 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Derek L. Eager, Karen D. Gordon, Lawrence V. Saxton: Throughput Concavity and Response Time Convexity. Inf. Process. Lett. 19(4): 209-212 (1984)
6 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Alfredo de J. Perez-Davila, Lindsey E. Stephens: Performance Bounds Based upon Throughput Curve Properties. Performance 1983: 285-293
5 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Derrell V. Foster: Comparative Models of the File Assignment Problem. ACM Comput. Surv. 14(2): 287-313 (1982)
4 Derrell V. Foster, Lawrence W. Dowdy, James E. Ames IV: File Assignment in a Computer Network. Berkeley Workshop 1981: 259-238
3 Lawrence W. Dowdy, Hans J. Breitenlohner: A Model of Univac 1100/ 42 Swapping. SIGMETRICS 1981: 36-47
2 Derrell V. Foster, Lawrence W. Dowdy, James E. Ames IV: File Assignment in a Computer Network. Computer Networks 5: 341-349 (1981)
1 Derrell V. Foster, Lawrence W. Dowdy, James E. Ames IV: File Assignment in a Star Network. Int. CMG Conference 1977: 247-254

Coauthor Index

1James E. Ames IV [1] [2] [4]
2Amy W. Apon [19] [24] [34] [37] [39]
3Jaiganesh Balasubramanian [38]
4Jürgen Brehm [25]
5Hans J. Breitenlohner [3]
6Brian M. Carlson [15] [18] [20] [22]
7C. A. Childers [26]
8Manvinder S. Chopra [10]
9Akshay Dabholkar [40]
10K. Dussa [15]
11Derek L. Eager [7]
12F. Jefferson Flowers [14]
13Derrell V. Foster [1] [2] [4] [5]
14Karen D. Gordon [7] [11]
15Nathan Hamm [40]
16Doug Hoffman [39]
17Alan T. Krantz [16] [18]
18Michael R. Leuze [12] [16] [21]
19J. Craig Lowery [17]
20Baochuan Lu [39]
21Manish Madhukar [24] [25]
22Ossama Othman [38]
23Jitendra Padhye [28] [33]
24K.-H. Park [12] [15]
25Alfredo de J. Perez-Davila [6] [8]
26Chrisila C. Pettey [23] [30]
27Anirudha D. Rahatekar [28]
28Emilia Rosti [19] [20] [26] [27] [29] [35] [36]
29Nilabja Roy [40]
30Lawrence V. Saxton [7]
31Douglas C. Schmidt [38] [40]
32Giuseppe Serazzi [20] [27] [29] [35] [36]
33Kenneth C. Sevcik [29] [35]
34Evgenia Smirni [19] [20] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29] [35] [36]
35Lindsey E. Stephens [6] [9]
36Michael Tinker [39]
37Satish K. Tripathi [18]
38Elizabeth Varki [31] [32]
39Thomas D. Wagner [19] [23] [24] [30] [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)