
Antonio Fernández

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68EEFrancesco Bianconi, Antonio Fernández, Elena González, Diego Caride, Ana Calviño: Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(8): 765-773 (2009)
67EEAntonio Fernández, Antonio Salmerón: Extension of Bayesian Network Classifiers to Regression Problems. IBERAMIA 2008: 83-92
66EEA. Álvarez, Sergio Arévalo, Vicent Cholvi, Antonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez: On the interconnection of message passing systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 105(6): 249-254 (2008)
65EEErnesto Jiménez, Antonio Fernández, Vicent Cholvi: A parametrized algorithm that implements sequential, causal, and cache memory consistencies. Journal of Systems and Software 81(1): 120-131 (2008)
64EEAntonio Fernández, Antonio Salmerón: BayesChess: A computer chess program based on Bayesian networks. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(8): 1154-1159 (2008)
63EEFrancesco Bianconi, Antonio Fernández, Elena González, Fernando Ribas: Texture Classification Through Combination of Sequential Colour Texture Classifiers. CIARP 2007: 231-240
62EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal: Electing an Eventual Leader in an Asynchronous Shared Memory System. DSN 2007: 399-408
61EEAntonio Fernández, Vincent Gramoli, Ernesto Jiménez, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Michel Raynal: Distributed Slicing in Dynamic Systems. ICDCS 2007: 66
60EEAntonio Fernández, María Morales, Antonio Salmerón: Tree Augmented Naive Bayes for Regression Using Mixtures of Truncated Exponentials: Application to Higher Education Management. IDA 2007: 59-69
59EEJuan Cespedes, Antonio Fernández, José Luis López-Presa, M. Araceli Lorenzo, Pilar Manzano, Juan Martinez-Romo, Alberto Mozo, Anna Puig-Centelles, Agustín Santos, Christopher Thraves: Performance of scheduling policies in adversarial networks with non synchronized clocks. ISCC 2007: 1071-1078
58EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal, Gilles Trédan: A Timing Assumption and a t-Resilient Protocol for Implementing an Eventual Leader Service in Asynchronous Shared Memory Systems. ISORC 2007: 71-78
57EEAntonio Fernández, Michel Raynal: From an intermittent rotating star to a leader. PODC 2007: 320-321
56EEAntonio Fernández, Vincent Gramoli, Ernesto Jiménez, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Michel Raynal: Distributed Slicing in Dynamic Systems CoRR abs/0712.3980: (2007)
55EELuis López, Antonio Fernández, Vicent Cholvi: A game theoretic comparison of TCP and digital fountain based protocols. Computer Networks 51(12): 3413-3426 (2007)
54EEAntonio Fernández, Tom Leighton, José Luis López-Presa: Containment properties of product and power graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(3): 300-311 (2007)
53EEYaacov Fernandess, Antonio Fernández, Maxime Monod: A generic theoretical framework for modeling gossip-based algorithms. Operating Systems Review 41(5): 19-27 (2007)
52EEFrancesco Bianconi, Antonio Fernández: Evaluation of the effects of Gabor filter parameters on texture classification. Pattern Recognition 40(12): 3325-3335 (2007)
51EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal: Eventual Leader Election with Weak Assumptions on Initial Knowledge, Communication Reliability, and Synchrony. DSN 2006: 166-178
50EELuis Rodero-Merino, Luis López, Antonio Fernández, Vicent Cholvi: A Topology Self-adaptation Mechanism for Efficient Resource Location. ISPA 2006: 660-671
49EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Sergio Arévalo: Minimal System Conditions to Implement Unreliable Failure Detectors. PRDC 2006: 63-72
48EEAntonio Fernández, Luis López, Agustín Santos, Chryssis Georgiou: Reliably Executing Tasks in the Presence of Untrusted Entities. SRDS 2006: 39-50
47EEAntonio Fernández, Vincent Gramoli, Ernesto Jiménez, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Michel Raynal: Distributed Slicing in Dynamic Systems CoRR abs/cs/0612035: (2006)
46EEErnesto Jiménez, Sergio Arévalo, Antonio Fernández: Implementing unreliable failure detectors with unknown membership. Inf. Process. Lett. 100(2): 60-63 (2006)
45EESimon Dobson, Spyros G. Denazis, Antonio Fernández, Dominique Gaïti, Erol Gelenbe, Fabio Massacci, Paddy Nixon, Fabrice Saffre, Nikita Schmidt, Franco Zambonelli: A survey of autonomic communications. TAAS 1(2): 223-259 (2006)
44EEAntonio Fernández, Chryssis Georgiou, Luis López, Agustín Santos: Reliably Executing Tasks in the Presence of Malicious Processors. DISC 2005: 490-492
43EELuis López, Antonio Fernández, Vicent Cholvi: A Game Theoretic Analysis of Protocols Based on Fountain Codes. ISCC 2005: 625-630
42EEMaria J. Blesa, Daniel Calzada, Antonio Fernández, Luis López, Andrés L. Martínez, Agustín Santos, Maria J. Serna: Adversarial Queueing Model for Continuous Network Dynamics. MFCS 2005: 144-155
41EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Sergio Arévalo: Brief announcement: minimal system conditions to implement unreliable failure detectors. PODC 2005: 207
40EEMatthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Ashish Goel, Lisa Zhang: Source routing and scheduling in packet networks. J. ACM 52(4): 582-601 (2005)
39EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: Eventually consistent failure detectors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(3): 361-373 (2005)
38EECarme Àlvarez, Maria J. Blesa, Josep Díaz, Maria J. Serna, Antonio Fernández: Adversarial models for priority-based networks. Networks 45(1): 23-35 (2005)
37EEAntonio Fernández, Chryssis Georgiou, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: The Do-All problem with Byzantine processor failures. Theor. Comput. Sci. 333(3): 433-454 (2005)
36EELuis López, Gemma del Rey Almansa, Stéphane Paquelet, Antonio Fernández: A mathematical model for the TCP Tragedy of the Commons. Theor. Comput. Sci. 343(1-2): 4-26 (2005)
35EEVicent Cholvi, Antonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal: A Methodological Construction of an Efficient Sequential Consistency Protocol. NCA 2004: 141-148
34EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: On the Implementation of Unreliable Failure Detectors in Partially Synchronous Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(7): 815-828 (2004)
33EECarme Àlvarez, Maria J. Blesa, Josep Díaz, Antonio Fernández, Maria J. Serna: The complexity of deciding stability under FFS in the Adversarial Queueing model. Inf. Process. Lett. 90(5): 261-266 (2004)
32EEEmmanuelle Anceaume, Antonio Fernández, Achour Mostéfaoui, Gil Neiger, Michel Raynal: A necessary and sufficient condition for transforming limited accuracy failure detectors. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 68(1): 123-133 (2004)
31EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Vicent Cholvi: On the interconnection of causal memory systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(4): 498-506 (2004)
30EECarme Àlvarez, Maria J. Blesa, Josep Díaz, Antonio Fernández, Maria J. Serna: Adversarial Models for Priority-Based Networks. MFCS 2003: 142-151
29EEErnesto Jiménez, Antonio Fernández, Vicent Cholvi: Decoupled Interconnection of Distributed Memory Models. OPODIS 2003: 235-246
28 Antonio Fernández, Chryssis Georgiou: The Do-All Problem with Byzantine Processor Failures. SIROCCO 2003: 117-132
27EERaúl Enrique Sánchez-Yáñez, Evguenii V. Kurmyshev, Antonio Fernández: One-class texture classifier in the CCR feature space. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(9-10): 1503-1511 (2003)
26EEErnesto Jiménez, Antonio Fernández, Vicent Cholvi: A Parametrized Algorithm that Implements Sequential, Causal, and Cache Memory Consistency. PDP 2002: 437-444
25EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: Eventually Consistent Failure Detectors. PDP 2002: 91-98
24EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: On the Impossibility of Implementing Perpetual Failure Detectors in Partially Synchronous Systems. PDP 2002: 99-
23EEMatthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Ashish Goel, Lisa Zhang: Source Routing and Scheduling in Packet Networks CoRR cs.NI/0203030: (2002)
22EEMichael A. Bender, Antonio Fernández, Dana Ron, Amit Sahai, Salil P. Vadhan: The Power of a Pebble: Exploring and Mapping Directed Graphs. Inf. Comput. 176(1): 1-21 (2002)
21 Matthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Ashish Goel, Lisa Zhang: Source Routing and Scheduling in Packet Networks. FOCS 2001: 168-177
20EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: Eventually consistent failure detectors. SPAA 2001: 326-327
19EEAntonio Fernández, Tom Leighton, José Luis López-Presa: Containment Properties of Product and Power Graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 7: 46-49 (2001)
18EEMatthew Andrews, Baruch Awerbuch, Antonio Fernández, Frank Thomson Leighton, Zhiyong Liu, Jon M. Kleinberg: Universal-stability results and performance bounds for greedy contention-resolution protocols. J. ACM 48(1): 39-69 (2001)
17EEAntonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Vicent Cholvi: On the interconnection of causal memory systems. PODC 2000: 163-170
16EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: Optimal implementation of the weakest failure detector for solving consensus (brief announcement). PODC 2000: 334
15EEMikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo: Optimal Implementation of the Weakest Failure Detector for Solving Consensus. SRDS 2000: 52-59
14EEMatthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Mor Harchol-Balter, Frank Thomson Leighton, Lisa Zhang: General Dynamic Routing with Per-Packet Delay Guarantees of O(Distance + 1/Session Rate). SIAM J. Comput. 30(5): 1594-1623 (2000)
13 Kemal Efe, Adrienne L. Broadwater, Antonio Fernández: Embedding complete binary trees in product graphs. Telecommunication Systems 13(1): 99-109 (2000)
12EEMikel Larrea, Sergio Arévalo, Antonio Fernández: Efficient Algorithms to Implement Unreliable Failure Detectors in Partially Synchronous Systems. DISC 1999: 34-48
11EEMichael A. Bender, Antonio Fernández, Dana Ron, Amit Sahai, Salil P. Vadhan: The Power of a Pebble: Exploring and Mapping Directed Graphs. STOC 1998: 269-278
10EEMatthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Mor Harchol-Balter, Frank Thomson Leighton, Lisa Zhang: General Dynamic Routing with Per-Packet Delay Guarantees of O(distance + 1 / session rate). FOCS 1997: 294-302
9 Antonio Fernández, Kemal Efe: Efficient VLSI Layouts for Homogeneous Product Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(10): 1070-1082 (1997)
8EEAntonio Fernández, Kemal Efe: Generalized Algorithm for Parallel Sorting on Product Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(12): 1211-1225 (1997)
7 Matthew Andrews, Baruch Awerbuch, Antonio Fernández, Jon M. Kleinberg, Frank Thomson Leighton, Zhiyong Liu: Universal Stability Results for Greedy Contention-Resolution Protocols. FOCS 1996: 380-389
6 Adrienne L. Broadwater, Kemal Efe, Antonio Fernández: Embedding Complete Binary Trees in Product Graphs. WG 1996: 56-66
5EEKemal Efe, Antonio Fernández: Mesh-Connected Trees: A Bridge Between Grids and Meshes of Trees. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(12): 1281-1291 (1996)
4 Antonio Fernández, Nancy Eleser, Kemal Efe: Generalized Algorithm for Parallel Sorting on Product Networks. ICPP (3) 1995: 155-159
3EEKemal Efe, Antonio Fernández: Products of Networks with Logarithmic Diameter and Fixed Degree. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6(9): 963-975 (1995)
2 Kemal Efe, Antonio Fernández: Computational Properties of Mesh Connected Trees: Versatile Architectures for Parallel Computation. ICPP (1) 1994: 72-76
1EEAntonio Fernández, Vladimír Müller: Embedding of a separable locally pseudoconvex algebra into a locally pseudoconvex algebra with two generators. Discrete Mathematics 108(1-3): 25-30 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Gemma del Rey Almansa [36]
2A. Álvarez [66]
3Carme Àlvarez [30] [33] [38]
4Emmanuelle Anceaume [32]
5Matthew Andrews [7] [10] [14] [18] [21] [23] [40]
6Sergio Arévalo [12] [15] [16] [20] [24] [25] [34] [39] [41] [46] [49] [66]
7Baruch Awerbuch [7] [18]
8Michael A. Bender [11] [22]
9Francesco Bianconi [52] [63] [68]
10Maria J. Blesa (María J. Blesa Aguilera) [30] [33] [38] [42]
11Adrienne L. Broadwater [6] [13]
12Ana Calviño [68]
13Daniel Calzada [42]
14Diego Caride [68]
15Juan Cespedes [59]
16Vicent Cholvi (Vicent Cholvi-Juan) [17] [26] [29] [31] [35] [43] [50] [55] [65] [66]
17Spyros G. Denazis [45]
18Josep Díaz [30] [33] [38]
19Simon A. Dobson (Simon Dobson) [45]
20Kemal Efe [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [13]
21Nancy Eleser [4]
22Yaacov Fernandess [53]
23Dominique Gaïti [45]
24Erol Gelenbe [45]
25Chryssis Georgiou [28] [37] [44] [48]
26Ashish Goel [21] [23] [40]
27Elena González [63] [68]
28Vincent Gramoli [47] [56] [61]
29Mor Harchol-Balter [10] [14]
30Ernesto Jiménez [17] [26] [29] [31] [35] [41] [46] [47] [49] [51] [56] [58] [61] [62] [65] [66]
31Anne-Marie Kermarrec [47] [56] [61]
32Jon M. Kleinberg [7] [18]
33Evguenii V. Kurmyshev [27]
34Mikel Larrea [12] [15] [16] [20] [24] [25] [34] [39]
35Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [7] [10] [14] [18] [19] [54]
36Zhiyong Liu [7] [18]
37Luis López [36] [42] [43] [44] [48] [50] [55]
38José Luis López-Presa [19] [54] [59]
39M. Araceli Lorenzo [59]
40Pilar Manzano [59]
41Andrés L. Martínez [42]
42Juan Martinez-Romo [59]
43Fabio Massacci [45]
44Maxime Monod [53]
45María Morales [60]
46Achour Mostéfaoui [32]
47Alberto Mozo [59]
48Vladimír Müller [1]
49Gil Neiger [32]
50Paddy Nixon (Patrick Nixon) [45]
51Stéphane Paquelet [36]
52Anna Puig-Centelles [59]
53Michel Raynal [32] [35] [47] [51] [56] [57] [58] [61] [62]
54Fernando Ribas [63]
55Luis Rodero-Merino [50]
56Dana Ron [11] [22]
57Alexander Russell [37]
58Fabrice Saffre [45]
59Amit Sahai [11] [22]
60Antonio Salmerón [60] [64] [67]
61Raúl Enrique Sánchez-Yáñez [27]
62Agustín Santos [42] [44] [48] [59]
63Nikita Schmidt [45]
64Maria J. Serna [30] [33] [38] [42]
65Alexander A. Shvartsman [37]
66Christopher Thraves [59]
67Gilles Trédan [58]
68Salil P. Vadhan [11] [22]
69Franco Zambonelli [45]
70Lisa Zhang [10] [14] [21] [23] [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)