
Ricardo Citro

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6EERicardo Citro, Miguel Guerrero, Jae-Beom Lee, Maria Pantoja: A multi-standard micro-programmable deblocking filter architecture and its application to VC-1 video decoder. SoCC 2008: 225-228
5EERicardo Citro, Tony S. Lee, Seong-Soon Joo, Sumit Ghosh: An Adaptive Dynamic Buffer Management (ADBM) Approach for Input Buffers in ATM Networks. IEICE Transactions 88-B(3): 1084-1096 (2005)
4 Ricardo Citro, Sumit Ghosh: The Utilization of Distributed Processing on Signaling Calls in High Speed ATM Network: Architecture, Modeling, Simulation & Performance Analysis. Applied Informatics 2003: 636-642
3EERicardo Citro, Sumit Ghosh: Simulation-Based Stability of a Representative, Large-Scale ATM Network for a Distributed Call Processing Architecture. ICN (2) 2001: 538-548
2 Ricardo Citro, Sumit Ghosh, Peter G. Churgin: A fundamental metric for continuity of care: modeling and performance evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 1(3): 189-204 (1997)
1 Michael E. Wazlowski, Aaron Smith, Ricardo Citro, Harvey F. Silverman: Performing Log-Scale Addition on a Distributed Memory MIMD Multicomputer with Reconfigurable Computing Capabilities. ICPP (3) 1995: 211-214

Coauthor Index

1Peter G. Churgin [2]
2Sumit Ghosh [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Miguel Guerrero [6]
4Seong-Soon Joo [5]
5Jae-Beom Lee [6]
6Tony S. Lee [5]
7Maria Pantoja [6]
8Harvey F. Silverman [1]
9Aaron Smith [1]
10Michael E. Wazlowski [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)