
Emmanuel N. Protonotarios

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23EENikolaos Papaoulakis, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, John Soldatos, Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Real-time video analysis and personalized media streaming environments for large scale athletic events. AREA 2008: 105-112
22EENikolaos D. Doulamis, Pantelis N. Karamolegkos, Anastasios D. Doulamis, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Cluster-based proactive replication of multimedia files in peer-to-peer networks. ICDIM 2007: 368-375
21EETareq Al-Gizawi, Kostas Peppas, Dimitrios I. Axiotis, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios, Fotis I. Lazarakis: Interoperability criteria, mechanisms, and evaluation of system performance for transparently interoperating WLAN and UMTS-HSDPA networks. IEEE Network 19(4): 66-72 (2005)
20EEParaskevi Fafali, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: HIDRA: History Directed Routing Algorithm for IP Network. HSNMC 2003: 333-342
19EEDimitrios D. Vergados, Nikolaos G. Protopsaltis, Christos Anagnostopoulos, John Anagnostopoulos, Michael E. Theologou, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: A Review of Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless ATM Networks. ICN (1) 2001: 459-467
18EENikos K. Lakoumentas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Intellectual Property Right and the Global Information Network. ECDL 1998: 833-838
17 Nikolas Mitrou, Kimon P. Kontovasilis, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: ATM traffic analysis and control for ABR service provisioning. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 317-331
16EEIoannis E. Pountourakis, Efstathios D. Sykas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Stability and throughput optimization of multichannel slotted non-persistent CSMA protocol. Computer Communications 18(12): 949-958 (1995)
15EEA. S. Andreatos, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Receiver synchronization of a packet video communication system. Computer Communications 17(6): 387-395 (1994)
14 Iakovos S. Venieris, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios, John D. Angelopoulos, George I. Stassinopoulos: Label Management in Broadband Internetworks. Advanced Information Processing Techniques for LAN and MAN Management 1993: 291-302
13 Efstathios D. Sykas, Konstantino M. Vlakos, Konstantinos P. Tsoukatos, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Congestion Conrol - Effective Bandwidth Allocation in ATM Networks. HPN 1992: 65-80
12EEIakovos S. Venieris, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios, George I. Stassinopoulos, R. Carli: Bridging remote connectionless LAN/MANs through connection oriented ATM networks. Computer Communications 15(7): 418-428 (1992)
11 Miltiades E. Anagnostou, Michael E. Theologou, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Cell Insertion Ratio Analysis in Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 24(4): 335-344 (1992)
10 J. G. Markopoulos, C. I. Costopoulou, Michael E. Theologou, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: An object-oriented approach for quality of service and network performance modeling. Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks 1991: 63-77
9EEMiltiades E. Anagnostou, Michael E. Theologou, Konstantinos M. Vlakos, Dimitris Tournis, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Quality of service requirements in ATM-based B-ISNDs. Computer Communications 14(4): 197-204 (1991)
8 Efstathios D. Sykas, Konstantino M. Vlakos, Iakovos S. Venieris, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Simulative Analysis of Optimal Resource Allocation and Routing in IBCN's. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(3): 486-492 (1991)
7 Theodore K. Apostolopoulos, Efstathios D. Sykas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Analysis of a New Retransmission Control Algorithm for Slotted CSMA/CD LAN's. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(6): 692-701 (1987)
6 Emmanuel N. Protonotarios, George I. Stassinopoulos: Dynamic Routing & Prospects for On-Line Implementation. ICC 1986: 141-144
5 Miltiades E. Anagnostou, S. A. Bacopoulou, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Performance Evalutation of ARQ Protocols in Ring Topology Networks. ICCC 1986: 561-566
4EETheodore K. Apostolopoulos, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Queueing analysis of buffered slotted multiple access protocols. Computer Communications 8(1): 9-21 (1985)
3EETheodore K. Apostolopoulos, Efstathios D. Sykas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Performance analysis of a retransmission control algorithm for local area networks. Computer Communications 8(3): 128-140 (1985)
2EEMiltiades E. Anagnostou, Efstathios D. Sykas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Steady-state and transient delay analysis of ARQ protocols. Computer Communications 7(1): 23-30 (1984)
1EEEfstathios D. Sykas, D. E. Karvelas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios: Combined URN and TDMA scheme for multiple-access protocols. Computer Communications 6(4): 199-207 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Tareq Al-Gizawi [21]
2Christos Anagnostopoulos [19]
3John Anagnostopoulos [19]
4Miltiades E. Anagnostou [2] [5] [9] [11]
5A. S. Andreatos [15]
6John D. Angelopoulos [14]
7Theodore K. Apostolopoulos [3] [4] [7]
8Dimitrios I. Axiotis [21]
9S. A. Bacopoulou [5]
10R. Carli [12]
11C. I. Costopoulou [10]
12Anastasios D. Doulamis [22]
13Nikolaos D. Doulamis [22] [23]
14Paraskevi Fafali [20]
15Pantelis N. Karamolegkos [22]
16D. E. Karvelas [1]
17Kimon P. Kontovasilis [17]
18Nikos K. Lakoumentas [18]
19Fotis I. Lazarakis [21]
20J. G. Markopoulos [10]
21Nikolas Mitrou [17]
22Nikolaos Papaoulakis [23]
23Charalampos Z. Patrikakis [20] [23]
24Kostas Peppas [21]
25Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis [23]
26Ioannis E. Pountourakis [16]
27Nikolaos G. Protopsaltis [19]
28John Soldatos [23]
29George I. Stassinopoulos [6] [12] [14]
30Efstathios D. Sykas (Eystathios D. Sykas) [1] [2] [3] [7] [8] [13] [16]
31Michael E. Theologou [9] [10] [11] [19]
32Dimitris Tournis [9]
33Konstantinos P. Tsoukatos [13]
34Iakovos S. Venieris [8] [12] [14]
35Dimitrios D. Vergados [19]
36Konstantino M. Vlakos [8] [13]
37Konstantinos M. Vlakos [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)