
Jin-Fu Chang

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29 Ya-Yin Yang, Jin-Fu Chang: Downlink Optimal Power Allocation in OVSF-WCDMA Communications. Wireless and Optical Communications 2006: 58-63
28EEYing-Ju Chen, Jin-Fu Chang: Per Connection Performance Analysis of a Frame-Based TDMA/CDMA MAC Protocol Containing both Reservation and Contention Slots. Queueing Syst. 49(2): 123-159 (2005)
27EEChih-Hsien Hou, Jin-Fu Chang, De-Yi Chen: Sharing of ARQ slots in Gilbert-Elliot channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(12): 2070-2072 (2004)
26EEDavid Shiung, Jin-Fu Chang: Enhancing the capacity of DS-CDMA system using hybrid spreading sequences. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(3): 372-375 (2004)
25EEYing-Ju Chen, Jin-Fu Chang: Per connection delay analysis of a frame-based TDMA/CDMA MAC protocol. Perform. Eval. 57(1): 19-55 (2004)
24 Huei-Wen Ferng, Jin-Fu Chang: Connection-wise end-to-end performance analysis of queueing networks with MMPP inputs. Perform. Eval. 43(1): 39-62 (2001)
23 Huei-Wen Ferng, Jin-Fu Chang: Erratum to "Connection-wise end-to-end performance analysis of queueing networks with MMPP inputs" [Performance Evaluation 43: 39-62 (2001)]. Perform. Eval. 43(2-3): 199 (2001)
22 Huei-Wen Ferng, Jin-Fu Chang: Departure Processes of BMAP/G/1 Queues. Queueing Syst. 39(2/3): 109-135 (2001)
21 Ping-Cheng Yeh, Jin-Fu Chang: Characterizing the departure process of a single server queue from the embedded Markov renewal process at departures. Queueing Syst. 35(1-4): 381-395 (2000)
20 Huei-Wen Ferng, Jin-Fu Chang: The departure process of discrete-time queueing systems with Markovian type inputs. Queueing Syst. 36(1-3): 201-220 (2000)
19EEShiuh-Jeng Wang, Jin-Fu Chang: A Conference Key Multicasting Scheme Using Knapsack and Secret Sharing. DEXA 1999: 372-381
18 Cheng-Shang Chang, Kwang-Cheng Chen, Ming-Young You, Jin-Fu Chang: Guaranteed Quality-of-Service Wireless Access to ATM Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(1): 106-118 (1997)
17 Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Le-Pond Chin, Jin-Fu Chang, Yuh-Ren Tsai: ID-based authentication for mobile conference call. SEC 1996: 49-58
16EEShiuh-Jeng Wang, Jin-Fu Chang: Smart card based secure password authentication scheme. Computers & Security 15(3): 231-237 (1996)
15EEJin-Fu Chang, Shi-Chung Chang, Zsehong Tsai, Jung-Shyr Wu, Hsu-Chun Yen: Design, implementation, and applications of a B-ISDN simulation testbed. Annual Simulation Symposium 1995: 212-219
14EEJung-Shyr Wu, Fang-Jang Kuo, Jin-Fu Chang: Traffic control at terminal equipment in ATM networks using cryptographic techniques. Computer Communications 18(7): 486-492 (1995)
13EEChien-Hwa Chiou, Zsehong Tsai, Jin-Fu Chang: Overflow Process Approximations in a Multi-Class Isochronous Traffic Environment. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(3): 323-343 (1995)
12EEZsehong Tsai, Wen-der Wang, Chien-Hwa Chiou, Jin-Fu Chang, Lung-Sing Liang: Performance analysis of two echo control designs in ATM networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2(1): 30-39 (1994)
11 Shyi-Ming Chen, Jyh-Sheng Ke, Jin-Fu Chang: An Inexact Reasoning Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Rule Matrix Transformations. J. Autom. Reasoning 8(1): 77-90 (1992)
10EEJin-Fu Chang, Ywh-Pyng Harn: A discrete-time priority queue with two-class customers and bulk services. Queueing Syst. 10(3): 185-211 (1992)
9 Jin-Fu Chang, Tzu-Hui Yang: The Effect of Prioritization on the Behavior of a Finite Queue with Batch Poisson Inputs and a Synchronous Server. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 21: 1-16 (1991)
8EEShyi-Ming Chen, Jyh-Sheng Ke, Jin-Fu Chang: An Inexact Reasoning Algorithm for Dealing with Inexact Knowledge. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 1(3): 227-244 (1991)
7 Ming-Chih Hu, Jin-Fu Chang: Collision Resolution Algorithms for CDMA Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(4): 542-554 (1990)
6EEShyi-Ming Chen, Jyh-Sheng Ke, Jin-Fu Chang: Knowledge Representation Using Fuzzy Petri Nets. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(3): 311-319 (1990)
5 Jin-Fu Chang: Efficient Collision Resolution Protocols Through Channel Minislotization. ICC 1986: 646-649
4 Chung-Ju Chang, Jin-Fu Chang: Optimal Design Parameters in a Multihop Packet Radio Networks Using Random Access Techniques. Computer Networks 11: 337-351 (1986)
3 Jin-Fu Chang, Jiun Wang: Collision Resolution for Buffered Users. Computer Networks 12: 311-327 (1986)
2 Jin-Fu Chang, Chia-Liang Liu: A Two-Level Input Buffer Limit Congestion Control by Not Too Restrictive on Local Input Messages. INFOCOM 1984: 81-86
1 Jin-Fu Chang, Rong-Feng Chang: The Application of Residue Theorem to the study of the Behavior of a Finite Switching Node in a Computer Network. INFOCOM 1983: 547-556

Coauthor Index

1Cheng-Shang Chang [18]
2Chung-Ju Chang [4]
3Rong-Feng Chang [1]
4Shi-Chung Chang [15]
5De-Yi Chen [27]
6Kwang-Cheng Chen [18]
7Shyi-Ming Chen [6] [8] [11]
8Ying-Ju Chen [25] [28]
9Le-Pond Chin [17]
10Chien-Hwa Chiou [12] [13]
11Huei-Wen Ferng [20] [22] [23] [24]
12Ywh-Pyng Harn [10]
13Chih-Hsien Hou [27]
14Ming-Chih Hu [7]
15Jyh-Sheng Ke [6] [8] [11]
16Fang-Jang Kuo [14]
17Lung-Sing Liang [12]
18Chia-Liang Liu [2]
19David Shiung [26]
20Yuh-Ren Tsai [17]
21Zsehong Tsai [12] [13] [15]
22Jiun Wang [3]
23Shiuh-Jeng Wang [16] [17] [19]
24Wen-der Wang [12]
25Jung-Shyr Wu [14] [15]
26Tzu-Hui Yang [9]
27Ya-Yin Yang [29]
28Ping-Cheng Yeh [21]
29Hsu-Chun Yen [15]
30Ming-Young You [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)