
Shigeo Tsujii

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42EENari Tanabe, Toshihiro Furukawa, Hideaki Matsue, Shigeo Tsujii: Kalman filter for robust noise suppression in white and colored noises. ISCAS 2008: 1172-1175
41EERyou Fujita, Kohtaro Tadaki, Shigeo Tsujii: Nonlinear Piece In Hand Perturbation Vector Method for Enhancing Security of Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems. PQCrypto 2008: 148-164
40EENari Tanabe, Toshihiro Furukawa, Shigeo Tsujii: Robust Noise Suppression Algorithm with the Kalman Filter Theory for White and Colored Disturbance. IEICE Transactions 91-A(3): 818-829 (2008)
39EEShigeo Tsujii, Kohtaro Tadaki, Ryou Fujita: Proposal for Piece in Hand Matrix: General Concept for Enhancing Security of Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems. IEICE Transactions 90-A(5): 992-999 (2007)
38EEShigeo Tsujii: Information Security as Interdisciplinary Science Based on Ethics. ICISC 2005: 2
37EEMasaki Gonda, Kazuto Matsuo, Kazumaro Aoki, Jinhui Chao, Shigeo Tsujii: Improvements of Addition Algorithm on Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves and Their Implementation. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 89-96 (2005)
36EETsutomu Iijima, Mahoro Shimura, Jinhui Chao, Shigeo Tsujii: An Extension of GHS Weil Descent Attack. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 97-104 (2005)
35EENari Tanabe, Toshihiro Furukawa, Kohichi Sakaniwa, Shigeo Tsujii: A Subspace Blind Identification Algorithm with Reduced Computational Complexity - Colored Noise Case - . IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 2015-2018 (2005)
34EEYukio Itakura, Shigeo Tsujii: Proposal on a multifactor biometric authentication method based on cryptosystem keys containing biometric signatures. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 4(4): 288-296 (2005)
33EEShigeo Tsujii: Paradigm of Information Security as Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Science. CW 2004: 9-20
32EEKazuto Matsuo, Jinhui Chao, Shigeo Tsujii: An Improved Baby Step Giant Step Algorithm for Point Counting of Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields. ANTS 2002: 461-474
31EEYukio Itakura, Masaki Hashiyada, Toshio Nagashima, Shigeo Tsujii: Proposal on personal identifiers generated from the STR information of DNA. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 1(3): 149-160 (2002)
30EEJinhui Chao, Kazuto Matsuo, Hiroto Kawashiro, Shigeo Tsujii: Construction of Hyperelliptic Curves with CM and Its Application to Cryptosystems. ASIACRYPT 2000: 259-273
29 Jinhui Chao, Kazuto Matsuo, Shigeo Tsujii: Fast Construction of Secure Discrete Logarithm Problems over Jacobian Varieties. SEC 2000: 241-250
28EEMasahiro Fukumoto, Hajime Kubota, Shigeo Tsujii: Simplification of stochastic fastest NLMS algorithm. ISCAS (3) 1999: 158-161
27EEJinhui Chao, Osamu Nakamura, Kohji Sobataka, Shigeo Tsujii: Construction of Secure Elliptic Cryptosystems Using CM Tests and Liftings. ASIACRYPT 1998: 95-109
26 Jinhui Chao, Nori Matsuda, Shigeo Tsujii: Efficient construction of secure hyperelliptic discrete logarithm problems. ICICS 1997: 292-301
25 Shigeo Tsujii: Electronic Money and Key Management from Global and Regional Points of View. ASIACRYPT 1996: 173-184
24 Toshiya Itoh, Masafumi Hoshi, Shigeo Tsujii: A Low Communication Competitive Interactive Proof System for Promised Quadratic Residuosity. J. Cryptology 9(2): 101-109 (1996)
23 Masahiro Fukumoto, Hajime Kubota, Shigeo Tsujii: Improvement in Stability and Convergence Speed on Normalized LMS Algorithm. ISCAS 1995: 1243-1246
22EEKaoru Kurosawa, Koji Okada, Shigeo Tsujii: Low Exponent Attack Against Elliptic Curve RSA. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(2): 77-83 (1995)
21 Kaoru Kurosawa, Koji Okada, Shigeo Tsujii: Low Exponent Attack against Elliptic Curve RSA. ASIACRYPT 1994: 376-383
20 Masahiro Fukumoto, Hajime Kubota, Shigeo Tsujii: New Block Adaptive Algorithm using the Conjugate Gradient Method. Applied Informatics 1994: 231-234
19EEJinhui Chao, Kazuo Tanada, Shigeo Tsujii: Design of Elliptic Curves with Controllable Lower Boundary of Extension Degree for Reduction Attacks. CRYPTO 1994: 50-55
18 Jinhui Chao, Teruyuki Sato, Kohichi Sakaniwa, Shigeo Tsujii: New Results on Stability Theory of Time-Varying Linear Systems. ISCAS 1994: 245-248
17 Jinhui Chao, Shinobu Kawabe, Shigeo Tsujii: Convergence Analysis of Gradient Adaptive Algorithms for Arbitrary Inputs. ISCAS 1994: 41-44
16EEToshiya Itoh, Masafumi Hoshi, Shigeo Tsujii: A Low Communication Competitive Interactive Proof System for Promised Quadratic Residuosity. CRYPTO 1993: 61-72
15EEKaoru Kurosawa, Koji Okada, Keiichi Sakano, Wakaha Ogata, Shigeo Tsujii: Nonperfect Secret Sharing Schemes and Matroids. EUROCRYPT 1993: 126-141
14EEChoonsik Park, Kaoru Kurosawa, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Shigeo Tsujii: On Key Distribution and Authentication in Mobile Radio Networks. EUROCRYPT 1993: 461-465
13 Kaoru Kurosawa, Kouichi Kawabe, Shigeo Tsujii: Stability and zeros of a complex polynomial. ISCAS 1993: 2279-2282
12 Kaoru Kurosawa, Isao Yamada, Tetsunari Yokokawa, Shigeo Tsujii: A fast stability test for multidimensional systems. ISCAS 1993: 579-582
11 Shigeo Tsujii, Jinhui Chao, Kiyomiche Araki: A Simple ID-Based Scheme for Key Sharing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(5): 730-734 (1993)
10 Takashi Satoh, Kaoru Kurosawa, Shigeo Tsujii: Privacy for Multi-Party Protocols. AUSCRYPT 1992: 252-260
9 Wakaha Ogata, Kaoru Kurosawa, Shigeo Tsujii: Nonperfect Secret Sharing Schemes. AUSCRYPT 1992: 56-66
8EEShigeo Tsujii, Jinhui Chao: A New ID-Based Key Sharing System. CRYPTO 1991: 288-299
7EEKaoru Kurosawa, Shigeo Tsujii: Multi-Language Zero Knowledge Interactive Proof Systems. CRYPTO 1990: 339-352
6EES. Shinozaki, Toshiya Itoh, Atsushi Fujioka, Shigeo Tsujii: Provably Secure Key-Updating Schemes in Identity-Based Systems. EUROCRYPT 1990: 16-30
5EEKaoru Kurosawa, Yutaka Katayama, Wakaha Ogata, Shigeo Tsujii: General Public Key Residue Cryptosystems and Mental Poker Protocols. EUROCRYPT 1990: 374-388
4 Toshiya Itoh, Shigeo Tsujii: Structure of Parallel Multipliers for a Class of Fields GF(2^m) Inf. Comput. 83(1): 21-40 (1989)
3 Toshiya Itoh, Shigeo Tsujii: An Efficient Algorithm for Deciding Quadratic Residuosity in Finite Fields GF(p_m). Inf. Process. Lett. 30(3): 111-114 (1989)
2 Toshiya Itoh, Shigeo Tsujii: A Fast Algorithm for Computing Multiplicative Inverses in GF(2^m) Using Normal Bases Inf. Comput. 78(3): 171-177 (1988)
1 Kaoru Kurosawa, Shigeo Tsujii: An Efficient Method to Find Invalid Loops in a Communication Protocol and Its Application to HDLC. ICC 1986: 563-567

Coauthor Index

1Kazumaro Aoki [37]
2Kiyomiche Araki [11]
3Jinhui Chao [8] [11] [17] [18] [19] [26] [27] [29] [30] [32] [36] [37]
4Atsushi Fujioka [6]
5Ryou Fujita [39] [41]
6Masahiro Fukumoto [20] [23] [28]
7Toshihiro Furukawa [35] [40] [42]
8Masaki Gonda [37]
9Masaki Hashiyada [31]
10Masafumi Hoshi [16] [24]
11Tsutomu Iijima [36]
12Yukio Itakura [31] [34]
13Toshiya Itoh [2] [3] [4] [6] [16] [24]
14Yutaka Katayama [5]
15Kouichi Kawabe [13]
16Shinobu Kawabe [17]
17Hiroto Kawashiro [30]
18Hajime Kubota [20] [23] [28]
19Kaoru Kurosawa [1] [5] [7] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [21] [22]
20Nori Matsuda [26]
21Hideaki Matsue [42]
22Kazuto Matsuo [29] [30] [32] [37]
23Toshio Nagashima [31]
24Osamu Nakamura [27]
25Wakaha Ogata [5] [9] [15]
26Koji Okada [15] [21] [22]
27Tatsuaki Okamoto [14]
28Choonsik Park [14]
29Kohichi Sakaniwa [18] [35]
30Keiichi Sakano [15]
31Teruyuki Sato [18]
32Takashi Satoh [10]
33Mahoro Shimura [36]
34S. Shinozaki [6]
35Kohji Sobataka [27]
36Kohtaro Tadaki [39] [41]
37Nari Tanabe [35] [40] [42]
38Kazuo Tanada [19]
39Isao Yamada [12]
40Tetsunari Yokokawa [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)