
Damian Niwinski

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34EESzczepan Hummel, Henryk Michalewski, Damian Niwinski: On the Borel Inseparability of Game Tree Languages. STACS 2009: 565-575
33EEJohann A. Makowsky, Damian Niwinski: The Ackermann Award 2008. CSL 2008: 508-512
32EEMartin Grohe, Martin Hyland, Johann A. Makowsky, Damian Niwinski: The Ackermann Award 2007. CSL 2007: 589-597
31EEAndré Arnold, Damian Niwinski: Continuous Separation of Game Languages. Fundam. Inform. 81(1-3): 19-28 (2007)
30EEThomas Colcombet, Damian Niwinski: On the positional determinacy of edge-labeled games. Theor. Comput. Sci. 352(1-3): 190-196 (2006)
29EETeodor Knapik, Damian Niwinski, Pawel Urzyczyn, Igor Walukiewicz: Unsafe Grammars and Panic Automata. ICALP 2005: 1450-1461
28EEDamian Niwinski, Igor Walukiewicz: Deciding Nondeterministic Hierarchy of Deterministic Tree Automata. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 123: 195-208 (2005)
27EEZofia Adamowicz, Sergei N. Artëmov, Damian Niwinski, Ewa Orlowska, Anna B. Romanowska, Jan Wolenski: Editorial. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 126(1-3): 3-4 (2004)
26EEDamian Niwinski, Igor Walukiewicz: A gap property of deterministic tree languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1(303): 215-231 (2003)
25EEDamian Niwinski: µ-Calculus via Games. CSL 2002: 27-43
24EETeodor Knapik, Damian Niwinski, Pawel Urzyczyn: Higher-Order Pushdown Trees Are Easy. FoSSaCS 2002: 205-222
23EETeodor Knapik, Damian Niwinski, Pawel Urzyczyn: Deciding Monadic Theories of Hyperalgebraic Trees. TLCA 2001: 253-267
22 Helmut Seidl, Damian Niwinski: On distributive fixed-point expressions. ITA 33(4/5): 427-446 (1999)
21 Witold Charatonik, David A. McAllester, Damian Niwinski, Andreas Podelski, Igor Walukiewicz: The Horn Mu-calculus. LICS 1998: 58-69
20 Damian Niwinski, Igor Walukiewicz: Relating Hierarchies of Word and Tree Automata. STACS 1998: 320-331
19 Alexei P. Stolboushkin, Damian Niwinski: y = 2x vs. y = 3x. J. Symb. Log. 62(2): 661-672 (1997)
18EEDamian Niwinski: Fixed Point Characterization of Infinite Behavior of Finite-State Systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 189(1-2): 1-69 (1997)
17EEDavid Toman, Damian Niwinski: First-Order Queries over Temporal Databases Inexpressible in Temporal Logic. EDBT 1996: 307-324
16EEDamian Niwinski, Igor Walukiewicz: Games for the mu-Calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 163(1&2): 99-116 (1996)
15 Danièle Beauquier, Damian Niwinski: Automata on Infinite Trees with Counting Constraints Inf. Comput. 120(1): 117-125 (1995)
14 Jan Chomicki, Damian Niwinski: On the Feasibility of Checking Temporal Integrity Constraints. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 51(3): 523-535 (1995)
13 Damian Niwinski, Alexei P. Stolboushkin: y = 2x vs. y = 3x LICS 1993: 172-178
12EEJan Chomicki, Damian Niwinski: On the Feasibility of Checking Temporal Integrity Constraints. PODS 1993: 202-213
11 Danièle Beauquier, Damian Niwinski: Automata on Infinite Trees with Counting Constraints. TAPSOFT 1993: 266-281
10 André Arnold, Damian Niwinski: Fixed point characterization of weak monadic logic definable sets of trees. Tree Automata and Languages 1992: 159-188
9 Danièle Beauquier, Maurice Nivat, Damian Niwinski: About the Effect of the Number of Successful Paths in an Infinite Tree on the Recognizability by a Finite Automaton with Büchi Conditions. FCT 1991: 136-145
8 Damian Niwinski: On the Cardinality of Sets of Infinite Trees Recognizable by Finite Automata. MFCS 1991: 367-376
7 Jan Mycielski, Damian Niwinski: Cellular automata on tress, a model for parallel computation. Fundam. Inform. 15(2): 139-144 (1991)
6 Bruno Courcelle, Damian Niwinski, Andreas Podelski: A Geometrical View of the Determinization and Minimization of Finite-State Automata. Mathematical Systems Theory 24(2): 117-146 (1991)
5 André Arnold, Damian Niwinski: Fixed Point Characterization of Büchi Automata on Infinite Trees. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 26(8/9): 451-459 (1990)
4 Damian Niwinski: Fixed Points vs. Infinite Generation LICS 1988: 402-409
3 Damian Niwinski: On Fixed-Point Clones (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1986: 464-473
2 Damian Niwinski: Fixed-Point Characterization of Context-Free \infty-Languages Information and Control 61(3): 247-276 (1984)
1 Damian Niwinski: Fixed-Point Semantics for Algebraic (Tree) Grammars (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1982: 384-396

Coauthor Index

1Zofia Adamowicz [27]
2André Arnold [5] [10] [31]
3Sergei N. Artëmov [27]
4Danièle Beauquier [9] [11] [15]
5Witold Charatonik [21]
6Jan Chomicki [12] [14]
7Thomas Colcombet [30]
8Bruno Courcelle [6]
9Martin Grohe [32]
10Szczepan Hummel [34]
11Martin Hyland (J. M. E. Hyland) [32]
12Teodor Knapik [23] [24] [29]
13Johann A. Makowsky (Janos Makowsky) [32] [33]
14David A. McAllester [21]
15Henryk Michalewski [34]
16Jan Mycielski [7]
17Maurice Nivat [9]
18Ewa Orlowska [27]
19Andreas Podelski [6] [21]
20Anna B. Romanowska [27]
21Helmut Seidl [22]
22Alexei P. Stolboushkin [13] [19]
23David Toman [17]
24Pawel Urzyczyn [23] [24] [29]
25Igor Walukiewicz [16] [20] [21] [26] [28] [29]
26Jan Wolenski [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)