
Arthur D. Friedman

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15 Arthur D. Friedman: A Functional Approach to Efficient Fault Detection in Iterative Logic Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(12): 1365-1375 (1994)
14EEAlireza Kavianpour, Arthur D. Friedman: Tradeoffs in system level diagnosis of multiprocessor systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 173-181
13 Alireza Kavianpour, Arthur D. Friedman: Different Diagnostic Models for Multiprocessor Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 157-162
12 Melvin A. Breuer, Arthur D. Friedman: Functional Level Primitives in Test Generation. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(3): 223-235 (1980)
11 Luca Simoncini, F. Saheban, Arthur D. Friedman: Design of Self-Diagnosable Multiprocessor Systems with Concurrent Computation and Diagnosis. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(6): 540-546 (1980)
10 S. Karunanithi, Arthur D. Friedman: Analysis of Digital Systems Using a New Measure of System Diagnosis. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(2): 121-133 (1979)
9EELuca Simoncini, Arthur D. Friedman: Incomplete Fault Coverage In Modular Miltiprocessor Systems. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 210-216
8EEF. Saheban, Arthur D. Friedman: Diagnostic And Computational Reconfiguration In Multiprocessor Systems. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 68-78
7 S. Karunanithi, Arthur D. Friedman: Some New Types of Logical Completeness. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(11): 998-1005 (1978)
6 Mohamed Abdelaziz Marouf, Arthur D. Friedman: Efficient Design of Self-Checking Checker for any m-Out-of-n Code. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(6): 482-490 (1978)
5 Arthur D. Friedman, Premachandran R. Menon: Design of Generalized Double Rank and Multiple Rank Sequential Circuits Information and Control 15(5): 436-451 (1969)
4 C. J. Tan, Premachandran R. Menon, Arthur D. Friedman: Structural Simplification and Decomposition of Asynchronous Sequential Circuits FOCS 1968: 7-19
3 Arthur D. Friedman: Universal Single Transition Time Asynchronous State Assignments FOCS 1967: 106-111
2 D. B. Armstrong, Arthur D. Friedman, Premachandran R. Menon: Synthesis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuits with Minimum Number of Delay Elements FOCS 1967: 95-105
1 Arthur D. Friedman: Feedback in asynchronous sequential circuits FOCS 1965: 94-104

Coauthor Index

1D. B. Armstrong [2]
2Melvin A. Breuer [12]
3S. Karunanithi [7] [10]
4Alireza Kavianpour [13] [14]
5Mohamed Abdelaziz Marouf [6]
6Premachandran R. Menon [2] [4] [5]
7F. Saheban [8] [11]
8Luca Simoncini [9] [11]
9C. J. Tan [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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