
Amar Mukhopadhyay

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7EEAmar Mukhopadhyay: A Proposal for a Hardware Text Processor. Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing 1980: 57-61
6EEAmar Mukhopadhyay: A Backend Machine Architecture for Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1980: 296-309
5EEAmar Mukhopadhyay: A fast algorithm for the longest-common-subsequence problem. Inf. Sci. 20(1): 69-82 (1980)
4 Amar Mukhopadhyay: Hardware Algorithms for Nonnumeric Computation. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(6): 384-394 (1979)
3 Amar Mukhopadhyay: Hardware Alorithms for Nonnumeric Computation. ISCA 1978: 8-16
2 Amar Mukhopadhyay: Lupanov Decoding Networks FOCS 1968: 244-256
1EEAmar Mukhopadhyay: Representation of Events in the von Neumann Cellular Model. J. ACM 15(4): 693-705 (1968)

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