
Jayashree Ramanathan

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9EEJayashree Ramanathan, Richard J. Cohen, Ernst Plassmann, Karthikeyan Ramamoorthy: Role of an auditing and reporting service in compliance management. IBM Systems Journal 46(2): 305-318 (2007)
8 Jayashree Ramanathan, Lionel M. Ni: Exploiting Data Exchange Patterns in Creating Objects for NUMA Shared Virtual Memory Systems. ICPP (2) 1992: 124-131
7EEJayashree Ramanathan, Lionel M. Ni: Critical factors in NUMA memory management. ICDCS 1991: 500-507
6 V. Ashok, Jayashree Ramanathan, Soumitra Sarkar, V. Venugopal: Process modelling in software environments. ISPW 1988: 39-42
5EEJayashree Ramanathan, Soumitra Sarkar: Providing Customized Assistance for Software Lifecycle Approaches. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(6): 749-757 (1988)
4 Jayashree Ramanathan, Ken Kennedy: Pathlistings Applied to Data Flow Analysis. Acta Inf. 16: 253-273 (1981)
3 James Arthur, Jayashree Ramanathan: Design of Analyzers for Selective Program Analysis. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(1): 39-51 (1981)
2 Meera Blattner, Jayashree Ramanathan: A grammatical model for the top-down design of structured programs. FCT 1979: 71-83
1EEKen Kennedy, Jayashree Ramanathan: A Deterministic Attribute Grammar Evaluator Based on Dynamic Scheduling. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 1(1): 142-160 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1James Arthur [3]
2V. Ashok [6]
3Meera Blattner [2]
4Richard J. Cohen [9]
5Ken Kennedy [1] [4]
6Lionel M. Ni [7] [8]
7Ernst Plassmann [9]
8Karthikeyan Ramamoorthy [9]
9Soumitra Sarkar [5] [6]
10V. Venugopal [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)