
Helena Rasiowa

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17 George Epstein, Helena Rasiowa: A partially ordered extention of the integers. Studia Logica 54(3): 303-332 (1995)
16 Helena Rasiowa: Axiomatization and completeness of uncountably valued approximation logic. Studia Logica 53(1): 137-160 (1994)
15 Helena Rasiowa: In Memoriam Cecylia Rauszer. Studia Logica 53(4): 467-472 (1994)
14 Helena Rasiowa, V. Wiktor Marek: Mechanical Proof Systems for Logic II, Consensus Programs and Their Procedding (Extended Abstract). ISMIS 1993: 142-151
13 Helena Rasiowa, V. Wiktor Marek: Mechanical Proof Systems for Logic II, Consensus Programs and Their Processing. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 2(2): 149-164 (1993)
12 George Epstein, Helena Rasiowa: Theory and Uses of Post Algebras of Order \omega+\omega\ast. Part II. ISMVL 1991: 248-254
11EEHelena Rasiowa: Mechanical proof systems for logic: Reaching consensus by groups of intelligent agents. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 5(4): 415-432 (1991)
10 George Epstein, Helena Rasiowa: Theory and Uses of Post Algebras of Order omega+omegaw\ast.I. ISMVL 1990: 42-47
9 Helena Rasiowa: Logic of Approximation Reasoning. CSL 1987: 188-210
8 Helena Rasiowa, George Epstein: Approximation Reasoning and Scott's Information Systems. ISMIS 1987: 33-42
7 V. Wiktor Marek, Helena Rasiowa: Approximating Sets with Equivalence Relations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 48(3): 145-152 (1986)
6 Helena Rasiowa, Andrzej Skowron: Approximation logic. Mathematical Methods of Specification and Synthesis of Software Systems 1985: 123-139
5 Helena Rasiowa: Completeness in Classical Logic of Complex Algorithms. MFCS 1980: 488-503
4 Helena Rasiowa: Logic of complex algorithms. FCT 1979: 370-381
3 Helena Rasiowa: omega+-Valued Algorithmic Logic as a Tool to Investigate Procedures. MFCS 1974: 423-450
2 Helena Rasiowa: On the Logical Structure of Mix-valued Programs and the omega+-valued Algorithmic Logic. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 21(5): 451-458 (1973)
1 Helena Rasiowa: Formalized omega+-valued Algorithmic Systems. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 21(6): 559-566 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1George Epstein [8] [10] [12] [17]
2Victor W. Marek (V. Wiktor Marek) [7] [13] [14]
3Andrzej Skowron [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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