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Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT)

16. FCT 2007: Budapest, Hungary

Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Zoltán Ésik (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 16th International Symposium, FCT 2007, Budapest, Hungary, August 27-30, 2007, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4639 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-74239-5
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15. FCT 2005: Lübeck, Germany

Maciej Liskiewicz, Rüdiger Reischuk (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 15th International Symposium, FCT 2005, Lübeck, Germany, August 17-20, 2005, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3623 Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-28193-2
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14. FCT 2003: Malmö, Sweden

Andrzej Lingas, Bengt J. Nilsson (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 14th International Symposium, FCT 2003, Malmö, Sweden, August 12-15, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2751 Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40543-7
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13. FCT 2001: Riga, Latvia

Rusins Freivalds (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 13th International Symposium, FCT 2001, Riga, Latvia, August 22-24, 2001, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2138 Springer 2001, ISBN 3-540-42487-3
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12. FCT 1999: Iasi, Romania

Gabriel Ciobanu, Gheorghe Paun (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 12th International Symposium, FCT '99, Iasi, Romania, August 30 - September 3, 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1684 Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66412-2
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Workshop on Distributed Systems: ENTCS 28

11. FCT 1997: Kraków, Poland

Bogdan S. Chlebus, Ludwik Czaja (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 11th International Symposium, FCT '97, Kraków, Poland, September 1-3, 1997, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1279 Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-63386-3
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10. FCT 1995: Dresden, Germany

Horst Reichel (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 10th International Symposium, FCT '95, Dresden, Germany, August 22-25, 1995, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 965 Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-60249-6
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9. FCT 1993: Szeged, Hungary

Zoltán Ésik (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 9th International Symposium, FCT '93, Szeged, Hungary, August 23-27, 1993, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 710 Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-57163-9
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8. FCT 1991: Gosen near Berlin, Germany

Lothar Budach (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 8th International Symposium, FCT '91, Gosen, Germany, September 9-13, 1991, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 529 Springer 1991, ISBN 3-540-54458-5
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7. FCT 1989: Szeged, Hungary

János Csirik, János Demetrovics, Ferenc Gécseg (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, International Conference FCT'89, Szeged, Hungary, August 21-25, 1989, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 380 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-51498-8
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6. FCT 1987: Kazan, USSR

Lothar Budach, Rais Gatic Bakharajev, Oleg Borisovic Lipanov (Eds.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, International Conference FCT'87, Kazan, USSR, June 22-26, 1987, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 278 Springer 1987, ISBN 3-540-18740-5
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5. FCT 1985: Cottbus, Germany

Lothar Budach (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT '85, Cottbus, GDR, September 9-13, 1985. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 199 Springer 1985, ISBN 3-540-15689-5
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4. FCT 1983: Borgholm, Sweden

Marek Karpinski (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference, Borgholm, Sweden, August 21-27, 1983. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 158 Springer 1983, ISBN 3-540-12689-9
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3. FCT 1981: Szeged, Hungary

Ferenc Gécseg (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT'81, Proceedings of the 1981 International FCT-Conference, Szeged, Hungary, August 24-28, 1981. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 117 Springer 1981, ISBN 3-540-10854-8
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2. FCT 1979: Wendisch-Rietz, Germany

Lothar Budach (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT'79, Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic, Arthmetic, and Categorial Methods in Computation Theory, Berlin/Wendisch-Rietz (GDR), September 17-21, 1979. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1979

1. FCT 1977: Poznan-Kórnik, Poland

Marek Karpinski (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1977 International FCT-Conference, Poznan-Kórnik, Poland, September 19-23, 1977. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 56 Springer 1977, ISBN 3-540-08442-8
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Copyright © Sat May 16 23:11:58 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)