
Rainer Kemp

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38EERainer Kemp: On the representation of simply generated trees by leftist trees. Eur. J. Comb. 24(5): 581-605 (2003)
37 Rainer Kemp: On the Expected Number of Leftist Nodes in Simply Generated Trees. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 6(3): 313-343 (2001)
36EERainer Kemp: A One-to-One Correspondence Between a Class of Leftist Trees and Binary Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 71(3-4): 97-105 (1999)
35 Rainer Kemp: On Leftist Simply Generated Trees. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 4(4): 313-332 (1999)
34 Rainer Kemp: On the Expected Number of Nodes at Level k in 0-balanced Trees. STACS 1998: 566-576
33EERainer Kemp: Generating Words Lexicographically: An Average-Case Analysis. Acta Inf. 35(1): 17-89 (1998)
32 Rainer Kemp: On the joint distribution of the nodes in uniform multidimensional binary trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 13(3-4): 261-283 (1998)
31 Rainer Kemp: On the Average Minimal Prefix-Length of the Generalized Semi-Dycklanguage. ITA 30(6): 545-561 (1996)
30 Rainer Kemp: On Prefixes of Formal Languages and Their Relation to the Average-Case Complexity of the Membership Problem. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 1(4): 259-304 (1996)
29EERainer Kemp: Binary Search Trees Constructed from Nondistinct Keys with/without Specified Probabilities. Theor. Comput. Sci. 156(1&2): 39-70 (1996)
28 Rainer Kemp: Uniformly Growing Backtrack Trees. ITA 29(1): 45-73 (1995)
27 Rainer Kemp: On the Inner Structure of Multidimensional Simply Generated Trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 6(2/3): 121-146 (1995)
26 Rainer Kemp: Balanced Ordered Trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 5(1): 99-122 (1994)
25 Rainer Kemp: Monotonically Labelled Ordered Trees and Multidimensional Binary Trees. FCT 1993: 329-341
24 Rainer Kemp: Random Multidimensional Binary Trees. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 29(1): 9-36 (1993)
23 Rainer Kemp: A Note on Two Classes of t-ary Trees. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 29(3): 167-174 (1993)
22 John W. Rosenthal, Ewald Speckenmeyer, Rainer Kemp: Exact Satisfiability, a Natural Extension of Set Partition and Its Average Case Behavior. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 6(1-3): 185-200 (1992)
21 Ewald Speckenmeyer, Rainer Kemp: On the Average Time Complexity of Set Partitioning. CSL 1989: 369-381
20 Rainer Kemp: The Expected Additive Weight of Trees. Acta Inf. 26(8): 711-740 (1989)
19 Rainer Kemp: Binary Search Trees for d-dimensional Keys. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 25(10): 513-527 (1989)
18 Rainer Kemp: A One-to-One Correspondence between two Classes of Ordered Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 32(5): 229-234 (1989)
17 Rainer Kemp: A Note on Precedence Analysis. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 24(9): 401-413 (1988)
16 Rainer Kemp: The Analysis of an Additive Weight of Random Trees. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 23(10/11): 517-528 (1987)
15 Rainer Kemp: A Note on the Number of Leftist Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(4): 227-232 (1987)
14 Rainer Kemp: Free cost measures of trees. FCT 1985: 175-190
13 Rainer Kemp: On a General Weight of Trees. STACS 1984: 109-120
12 Rainer Kemp: On a Decidability and Translation Result Concerning LR(0) Grammars. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 20(12): 611-621 (1984)
11 Rainer Kemp: The Reduction of Binary Trees by Means of an Input-Restricted Deque. ITA 17(3): 249-284 (1983)
10 Rainer Kemp: LR (0) Grammars Generated by LR (0) Parsers. Acta Inf. 15: 265-280 (1981)
9 Rainer Kemp: A Note on the Density of Inherently Ambiguous Context-free Languages. Acta Inf. 14: 295-298 (1980)
8 Rainer Kemp: A Note on the Stack Size of Regularly Distributed Binary Trees. BIT 20(2): 157-163 (1980)
7 Rainer Kemp: The average depth of a prefix of the Dycklanguage D$. FCT 1979: 230-236
6 Rainer Kemp: On the Average Stack Size of Regularly Distributed Binary Trees. ICALP 1979: 340-355
5 Rainer Kemp: The Average Number of Registers Needed to Evaluate a Binary Tree Optimally. Acta Inf. 11: 363-372 (1979)
4 Rainer Kemp: The Average Stack Size of a Derivation Tree Generated by a Linear Context-Free Grammar Information and Control 42(3): 354-365 (1979)
3 Rainer Kemp: Die Größe des zustandsminimalen LR(0)-Analysators. Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1975: 223-232
2 Rainer Kemp: Mehrdeutigkeiten Kontextfreier Grammatiken. ICALP 1974: 534-546
1 Rainer Kemp: An Estimation of the Set of States of the Minimal LR(0)-Acceptor. ICALP 1972: 563-574

Coauthor Index

1John W. Rosenthal [22]
2Ewald Speckenmeyer [21] [22]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)