
Arnold O. Allen

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14 Arnold O. Allen: Using The Windows NT Optimization Tools. Int. CMG Conference 1994: 717-723
13 Arnold O. Allen: Computer Performance Analysis With Mathematica, Academic Press 1992. Int. CMG Conference 1992: 1189-1191
12 Arnold O. Allen: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Second Edition, Institute for Computer Capacity Management, 1992. Int. CMG Conference 1992: 1192-1193
11 Arnold O. Allen: Probablity, Statistics and Queueing Theory with Computer Science Applications, Second Edition. Int. CMG Conference 1990: 1358-1359
10 Arnold O. Allen, Gary Hynes: Approximate MVA solutions with fixed throughput classes. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 18(2): 31-40 (1990)
9 Arnold O. Allen: Back-of-the-Envelope Modeling Tutorial. Int. CMG Conference 1988: 898-899
8 Arnold O. Allen: Introduction to Computer Modeling. Int. CMG Conference 1986: 834
7 Arnold O. Allen: Introduction to Information System Modeling. Int. CMG Conference 1985: 675-678
6 Arnold O. Allen: Getting Started in Analytic Modeling. Int. CMG Conference 1984: 563-571
5 Arnold O. Allen: Capacity Planning for Management. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 324-327
4 Arnold O. Allen: Modeling of Computer Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 432-436
3 Arnold O. Allen: Probability, Statistics and Queueing Theory with Computer Science Applications. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 468-469
2 Arnold O. Allen: Elements of Queuing Theory for System Design. IBM Systems Journal 14(2): 161-187 (1975)
1 Arnold O. Allen: Elements of Probability for System Design. IBM Systems Journal 13(4): 325-348 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Gary Hynes [10]

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