
Jerome W. Blaylock

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6 Jerome W. Blaylock: The Standard Unit of Processing on Sperry 1100 Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1986: 337-340
5 Jerome W. Blaylock, Susan C. Fisher: Capacity Planning on Both Amdahl 470 and Sperry 1100 Systems Using BEST/1. Int. CMG Conference 1984: 215-222
4 Jerome W. Blaylock: Capacity Planning for Multiprocessor and Multicomputer Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 37-44
3 Jerome W. Blaylock, John C. Kelly: System Tuning the UNIVAC Executive Operating System's Dynamic Allocator. Int. CMG Conference 1981: 213-219
2 Jerome W. Blaylock: An Analysis of the Standard Unit of Processing on the Sperry Univac Series 1100 Computer System. Int. CMG Conference 1980: 163-166
1 Jerome W. Blaylock: A Comparison of Programming Language Performance. Int. CMG Conference 1977: 83-88

Coauthor Index

1Susan C. Fisher [5]
2John C. Kelly [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)