
Charles C. Wang

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6EECharles C. Wang, Dean J. Sklar: Metric transformation for a turbo-coded DPSK waveform. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(5): 609-616 (2003)
5 Charles C. Wang, Dingyi Pei: A VLSI DEsign for Computing Exponentiations in GF(2^m) and Its Application to Generate Pseudorandom Number Sequences. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(2): 258-266 (1990)
4 Charles C. Wang: An Algorithm to Design Finite Field Multipliers Using a Self-Dual Normal Basis. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(10): 1457-1460 (1989)
3 Charles C. Wang, Tsun-Yee Yan: Combined Coding and Delay-Throughout Analysis for Fading Channels of Mobile Satellite Communications. ICC 1986: 1409-1414
2 Din Y. Pei, Charles C. Wang, Jim K. Omura: Normal basis of finite field GF(2m). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(2): 285- (1986)
1 Charles C. Wang, Trieu-Kien Truong, Howard M. Shao, Leslie J. Deutsch, Jim K. Omura, Irving S. Reed: VLSI Architectures for Computing Multiplications and Inverses in GF(2m). IEEE Trans. Computers 34(8): 709-717 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Leslie J. Deutsch [1]
2Jim K. Omura [1] [2]
3Din Y. Pei [2]
4Dingyi Pei [5]
5Irving S. Reed [1]
6Howard M. Shao [1]
7Dean J. Sklar [6]
8Trieu-Kien Truong [1]
9Tsun-Yee Yan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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