
Joel Friedman

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38EEJoel Friedman: Linear Transformations in Boolean Complexity Theory. CiE 2007: 307-315
37EERobert St-Aubin, Joel Friedman, Alan K. Mackworth: A formal mathematical framework for modeling probabilistic hybrid systems. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 47(3-4): 397-425 (2006)
36EEJoel Friedman: Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity II: A Simple Example CoRR abs/cs/0604024: (2006)
35EEJoel Friedman, Ram Murty, Jean-Pierre Tillich: Spectral estimates for Abelian Cayley graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 96(1): 111-121 (2006)
34EEJoel Friedman: Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity CoRR abs/cs/0512008: (2005)
33EEJoel Friedman, Andreas Goerdt, Michael Krivelevich: Recognizing More Unsatisfiable Random k-SAT Instances Efficiently. SIAM J. Comput. 35(2): 408-430 (2005)
32EEJoel Friedman, Jean-Pierre Tillich: Generalized Alon--Boppana Theorems and Error-Correcting Codes. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(3): 700-718 (2005)
31EEJoel Friedman: A proof of Alon's second eigenvalue conjecture and related problems CoRR cs.DM/0405020: (2004)
30EEJoel Friedman, Jean-Pierre Tillich: Calculus on Graphs CoRR cs.DM/0408028: (2004)
29EEJoel Friedman: A proof of Alon's second eigenvalue conjecture. STOC 2003: 720-724
28EEJoel Friedman, Andreas Goerdt: Recognizing More Unsatisfiable Random 3-SAT Instances Efficiently. ICALP 2001: 310-321
27EEJoel Friedman: On Cayley Graphs on the Symmetric Group Generated by Tranpositions. Combinatorica 20(4): 505-519 (2000)
26 Joel Friedman, Antoine Joux, Yuval Roichman, Jacques Stern, Jean-Pierre Tillich: The action of a few permutations on r-tuples is quickly transitive. Random Struct. Algorithms 12(4): 335-350 (1998)
25 Joel Friedman, Antoine Joux, Yuval Roichman, Jacques Stern, Jean-Pierre Tillich: The Action of a Few Random Permutations on r-Tuples and an Application to Cryptography. STACS 1996: 375-386
24EEJoel Friedman: Computing Betti Numbers via Combinatorial Laplacians. STOC 1996: 386-391
23 Joel Friedman: Some Graphs with Small Second Eigenvalue. Combinatorica 15(1): 31-42 (1995)
22 Joel Friedman, Avi Wigderson: On the Second Eigenvalue of Hypergraphs. Combinatorica 15(1): 43-65 (1995)
21 Bernard Chazelle, Joel Friedman: Point Location Among Hyperplanes and Unidirectional Ray-shooting. Comput. Geom. 4: 53-62 (1994)
20 Joel Friedman: A note on matrix rigidity. Combinatorica 13(2): 235-239 (1993)
19 Joel Friedman, Nathan Linial: On Convex Body Chasing. Discrete & Computational Geometry 9: 293-321 (1993)
18 Joel Friedman: A Note on Poset Geometries. SIAM J. Comput. 22(1): 72-78 (1993)
17 Joel Friedman: On the Bit Extraction Problem FOCS 1992: 314-319
16 Joel Friedman: On the second eigenvalue and random walks n random d-regular graphs. Combinatorica 11(4): 331-362 (1991)
15 Joel Friedman: The Spectra of Infinite Hypertrees. SIAM J. Comput. 20(5): 951-961 (1991)
14 Bernard Chazelle, Joel Friedman: A deterministic view of random sampling and its use in geometry. Combinatorica 10(3): 229-249 (1990)
13 Joel Friedman: A Density Theorem for Purely Iterative Zero Finding Methods. SIAM J. Comput. 19(1): 124-132 (1990)
12 Joel Friedman: Random Polynomials and Approximate Zeros of Newton's Method. SIAM J. Comput. 19(6): 1068-1099 (1990)
11 Joel Friedman, Jeff Kahn, Endre Szemerédi: On the Second Eigenvalue in Random Regular Graphs STOC 1989: 587-598
10EEJoel Friedman: On the convergence of newton's method. J. Complexity 5(1): 12-33 (1989)
9 Bernard Chazelle, Joel Friedman: A Deterministic View of Random Sampling and its Use in Geometry FOCS 1988: 539-549
8 Joel Friedman: A lower bound on strictly non-block networks. Combinatorica 8(2): 185-188 (1988)
7 Paul Feldman, Joel Friedman, Nicholas Pippenger: Wide-Sense Nonblocking Networks. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(2): 158-173 (1988)
6 Joel Friedman, Nicholas Pippenger: Expanding graphs contain all small trees. Combinatorica 7(1): 71-76 (1987)
5 Joel Friedman: On Newton's Method for Polynomials FOCS 1986: 153-161
4 Paul Feldman, Joel Friedman, Nicholas Pippenger: Non-Blocking Networks (Preliminary Version) STOC 1986: 247-254
3 Roy L. Adler, Joel Friedman, Bruce Kitchens, Brian H. Marcus: State splitting for variable-length graphs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(1): 108- (1986)
2 Joel Friedman: Constructing O(n log n) Size Monotone Formulae for the k-th Threshold Function of n Boolean Variables. SIAM J. Comput. 15(3): 641-654 (1986)
1 Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Johan Håstad, Joel Friedman, Steven Rudich, Roman Smolensky: The Bit Extraction Problem of t-Resilient Functions (Preliminary Version) FOCS 1985: 396-407

Coauthor Index

1Roy L. Adler [3]
2Bernard Chazelle [9] [14] [21]
3Benny Chor [1]
4Paul Feldman [4] [7]
5Andreas Goerdt [28] [33]
6Oded Goldreich [1]
7Johan Håstad [1]
8Antoine Joux [25] [26]
9Jeff Kahn [11]
10Bruce Kitchens [3]
11Michael Krivelevich [33]
12Nathan Linial (Nati Linial) [19]
13Alan K. Mackworth [37]
14Brian H. Marcus [3]
15Ram Murty [35]
16Nicholas Pippenger [4] [6] [7]
17Yuval Roichman [25] [26]
18Steven Rudich [1]
19Roman Smolensky [1]
20Robert St-Aubin [37]
21Jacques Stern [25] [26]
22Endre Szemerédi [11]
23Jean-Pierre Tillich [25] [26] [30] [32] [35]
24Avi Wigderson [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)