QBISM: A Prototype 3-D Medical Image Database System.

Manish Arya, William F. Cody, Christos Faloutsos, Joel E. Richardson, Arthur Toya: QBISM: A Prototype 3-D Medical Image Database System. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(1): 38-42(1993)
  author    = {Manish Arya and
               William F. Cody and
               Christos Faloutsos and
               Joel E. Richardson and
               Arthur Toya},
  title     = {QBISM: A Prototype 3-D Medical Image Database System},
  journal   = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
  volume    = {16},
  number    = {1},
  year      = {1993},
  pages     = {38-42},
  ee        = {db/journals/debu/AryaCFRT93.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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Data Engineering Bulletin March 1993: Scientific Databases (Yannis Ioannidis, ed.)
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Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski, Arun N. Swami: Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 207-216 BibTeX
Manish Arya, William F. Cody, Christos Faloutsos, Joel E. Richardson, Arthur Toya: QBISM: Extending a DBMS to Support 3D Medical Images. ICDE 1994: 314-325 BibTeX
Henry Fuchs, Marc Levoy, Stephen M. Pizer: Interactive Visualization of 3D Medical Data. IEEE Computer 22(8): 46-51(1989) BibTeX
Tobin J. Lehman, Bruce G. Lindsay: The Starburst Long Field Manager. VLDB 1989: 375-383 BibTeX
A. Desai Narasimhalu, Stavros Christodoulakis: Multimedia Information Systems: The Unfolding of a Reality (Guest Editors' Introduction). IEEE Computer 24(10): 6-8(1991) BibTeX
Wayne Niblack, Ron Barber, William Equitz, Myron Flickner, Eduardo H. Glasman, Dragutin Petkovic, Peter Yanker, Christos Faloutsos, Gabriel Taubin: The QBIC Project: Querying Images by Content, Using Color, Texture, and Shape. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1993: 173-187 BibTeX
Jack A. Orenstein: Redundancy in Spatial Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 295-305 BibTeX
Peter M. Schwarz, Walter Chang, Johann Christoph Freytag, Guy M. Lohman, John McPherson, C. Mohan, Hamid Pirahesh: Extensibility in the Starburst Database System. OODBS 1986: 85-92 BibTeX
Abraham Silberschatz, Michael Stonebraker, Jeffrey D. Ullman: Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities. Commun. ACM 34(10): 110-120(1991) BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Wesley W. Chu, Chih-Cheng Hsu, Alfonso F. Cardenas, Ricky K. Taira: Knowledge-Based Image Retrieval with Spatial and Temporal Constructs. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(6): 872-888(1998)
  2. Apostolos Papadopoulos, Yannis Manolopoulos: Performance of Nearest Neighbor Queries in R-Trees. ICDT 1997: 394-408
  3. Kyuseok Shim, Ramakrishnan Srikant, Rakesh Agrawal: High-Dimensional Similarity Joins. ICDE 1997: 301-311
  4. Alberto Belussi, Christos Faloutsos: Estimating the Selectivity of Spatial Queries Using the `Correlation' Fractal Dimension. VLDB 1995: 299-310
  5. Christos Faloutsos, King-Ip Lin: FastMap: A Fast Algorithm for Indexing, Data-Mining and Visualization of Traditional and Multimedia Datasets. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 163-174
  6. King-Ip Lin, H. V. Jagadish, Christos Faloutsos: The TV-Tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data. VLDB J. 3(4): 517-542(1994)
  7. Christos Faloutsos, M. Ranganathan, Yannis Manolopoulos: Fast Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 419-429
  8. Christos Faloutsos, Ibrahim Kamel: Beyond Uniformity and Independence: Analysis of R-trees Using the Concept of Fractal Dimension. PODS 1994: 4-13
  9. Christos Faloutsos, Ibrahim Kamel: High Performance R-trees. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(3): 28-33(1993)
  10. Patricia G. Selinger: Predictions and Challenges for Database Systems in the Year 2000. VLDB 1993: 667-675
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