
Tobin J. Lehman

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25EEGlenn Deen, Tobin J. Lehman, James H. Kaufman: The Almaden OptimalGrid Project. Active Middleware Services 2003: 14-21
24EETobin J. Lehman, James H. Kaufman: OptimalGrid: Middleware for Automatic Deployment of Distributed FEM Problems on an Internet-Based Computing Grid. CLUSTER 2003: 164-171
23EEMarcus Fontoura, Tobin J. Lehman, Dwayne Nelson, Thomas Truong, Yuhong Xiong: TSpaces Services Suite: Automating the Development and Management of Web Services. WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks) 2003
22EETobin J. Lehman, Alex Cozzi, Yuhong Xiong, Jonathan Gottschalk, Venu Vasudevan, Sean Landis, Pace Davis, Bruce Khavar, Paul Bowman: Hitting the distributed computing sweet spot with TSpaces. Computer Networks 35(4): 457-472 (2001)
21 Keung Hae Lee, Tobin J. Lehman: MoDal: An XML Based Dynamic User Interface Description System for Mobile PDAs. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 9-14
20EEShang-Hua Teng, Qi Lu, Matthias Eichstaedt, Daniel Alexander Ford, Tobin J. Lehman: Collaborative Web Crawling: Information Gathering/Processing over Internet. HICSS 1999
19EETobin J. Lehman, Stephen W. McLaughry, Peter Wyckoff: T Spaces: The Next Wave. HICSS 1999
18 Kevin F. Eustice, Tobin J. Lehman, Armando Morales, Michelle C. Munson, Stefan Edlund, Miguel Guillen: A Universal Information Appliance. IBM Systems Journal 38(4): 575-601 (1999)
17 Peter Wyckoff, Stephen W. McLaughry, Tobin J. Lehman, Daniel Alexander Ford: T Spaces. IBM Systems Journal 37(3): 454-474 (1998)
16EETobin J. Lehman, Patrick Gainer: DB2 LOBs: The Teenage Years. ICDE 1996: 192-199
15 Tobin J. Lehman, Vibby Gottemukkala: The Design and Performance Evaluation of a Lock Manager for a Memory-Resident Database System. Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 406-428
14 Berthold Reinwald, Tobin J. Lehman, Hamid Pirahesh, Vibby Gottemukkala: Storing and Using Objects in a Relational Database. IBM Systems Journal 35(2): 172-191 (1996)
13EEBerthold Reinwald, Stefan Deßloch, Michael J. Carey, Tobin J. Lehman, Hamid Pirahesh, V. Srinivasan: Making Real Data Persistent: Initial Experiences with SMRC. POS 1994: 202-216
12 Tobin J. Lehman: Dealing with Large Objects in a Transaction System. HPTS 1993: 0-
11EER. Ananthanarayanan, Vibby Gottemukkala, Wolfgang Käfer, Tobin J. Lehman, Hamid Pirahesh: Using the Co-existence Approach to Achieve Combined Functionality of Object-Oriented and Relational Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 109-118
10EEVibby Gottemukkala, Tobin J. Lehman: Locking and Latching in a Memory-Resident Database System. VLDB 1992: 533-544
9EETobin J. Lehman, Eugene J. Shekita, Luis-Felipe Cabrera: An Evaluation of Starburst's Memory Resident Storage Component. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(6): 555-566 (1992)
8EEGuy M. Lohman, George Lapis, Tobin J. Lehman, Rakesh Agrawal, Roberta Cochrane, John McPherson, C. Mohan, Hamid Pirahesh, Jennifer Widom: Starburst II: The Extender Strikes Back! SIGMOD Conference 1991: 447
7 Tobin J. Lehman, Michael J. Carey: A Concurrency Control Algorithm for Memory-Resident Database Systems. FODO 1989: 490-504
6EETobin J. Lehman, Bruce G. Lindsay: The Starburst Long Field Manager. VLDB 1989: 375-383
5EETobin J. Lehman, Michael J. Carey: A Recovery Algorithm for A High-Performance Memory-Resident Database System. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 104-117
4EETobin J. Lehman, Michael J. Carey: Query Processing in Main Memory Database Management Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 239-250
3EETobin J. Lehman, Michael J. Carey: A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems. VLDB 1986: 294-303
2 Tobin J. Lehman, Michael J. Carey: A Study of Index Structures for a Main Memory Database Management System. HPTS 1985: 0-
1 Randy H. Katz, Tobin J. Lehman: Database Support for Versions and Alternatives of Large Design Files. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(2): 191-200 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Rakesh Agrawal [8]
2R. Ananthanarayanan [11]
3Paul Bowman [22]
4Luis-Felipe Cabrera [9]
5Michael J. Carey [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [13]
6Roberta Cochrane [8]
7Alex Cozzi [22]
8Pace Davis [22]
9Glenn Deen [25]
10Stefan Deßloch (Stefan Dessloch) [13]
11Stefan Edlund [18]
12Matthias Eichstaedt [20]
13Kevin F. Eustice [18]
14Marcus Fontoura [23]
15Daniel Alexander Ford [17] [20]
16Patrick Gainer [16]
17Vibby Gottemukkala [10] [11] [14] [15]
18Jonathan Gottschalk [22]
19Miguel Guillen [18]
20Wolfgang Käfer [11]
21Randy H. Katz [1]
22James H. Kaufman [24] [25]
23Bruce Khavar [22]
24Sean Landis [22]
25George Lapis [8]
26Keung Hae Lee [21]
27Bruce G. Lindsay [6]
28Guy M. Lohman [8]
29Qi Lu [20]
30Stephen W. McLaughry [17] [19]
31John McPherson [8]
32C. Mohan [8]
33Armando Morales [18]
34Michelle C. Munson [18]
35Dwayne Nelson [23]
36Hamid Pirahesh [8] [11] [13] [14]
37Berthold Reinwald [13] [14]
38Eugene J. Shekita [9]
39V. Srinivasan [13]
40Shang-Hua Teng [20]
41Thomas Truong [23]
42Venu Vasudevan [22]
43Jennifer Widom [8]
44Peter Wyckoff [17] [19]
45Yuhong Xiong [22] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)