Volume 16,
Number 1,
January 2001
Volume 16,
Number 2,
March 2001
Special Issue ISORC'99
- E. Douglas Jensen:
The distributed real-time specification for Java: an initial proposal.
65-70 BibTeX
- Hermann Kopetz, Michael Holzmann, Wilfried Elmenreich:
A universal smart transducer interface: TTP/A.
71-77 BibTeX
- Husni Fahmi, Walid G. Aref, Mudassir Latif, Basit Shafiq, Arif Ghafoor, Peiya Liu, Liang H. Hsu:
Distributed web-based framework for real-time multimedia object communication.
79-88 BibTeX
- Leandro Buss Becker, Martin Gergeleit, Edgar Nett, Carlos Eduardo Pereira:
An integrated environment for the complete development cycle of an object-oriented distributed real-time system.
89-96 BibTeX
- Richard E. Schantz, John A. Zinky, James Megquier, Joseph P. Loyall, David A. Karr, David E. Bakken:
An object leel gateway supporting quality of service.
97-107 BibTeX
- K. H. (Kane) Kim, Juqiang Liu, Moon-hae Kim:
Deadline handling in real-time distributed objects: issues and basic approaches.
109-117 BibTeX
- Rogério de Lemos, Alexander B. Romanovsky:
Exception handling in the software lifecycle.
119-133 BibTeX
- Andreas Polze, Jan Richling, Janek Schwarz, Miroslaw Malek:
Towards predictable CORBA-based services.
135-147 BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 3,
May 2001
International Workshop on Software Engineering and Petri Nets (SEPN)
- Mauro Pezzè, Sol M. Shatz:
151-152 BibTeX
- Michal Young:
Neat models of messy problems: Notes on the interplay between solution- and problem-centered disciplines, and more particularly on the interaction between Petri net research and software engineering research.
153-155 BibTeX
- Holger Giese, Guido Wirtz:
The OCoN approach for object-oriented distributed software systems modeling.
157-172 BibTeX
- Alan Burns, Andy J. Wellings, Frank P. Burns, Albert Koelmans, Maciej Koutny, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Alexandre Yakovlev:
Modelling and verification of an atomic action protocol implemented in Ada.
173-182 BibTeX
- Milan Ceska, Vladimír Janousek, Tomás Vojnar:
Generating and using state spaces of object-oriented Petri nets.
183-193 BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 4,
July 2001
- Deepak Dutta, Bidyut Gupta:
An efficient time-based checkpoint and recovery algorithm for distributed systems involving mobile computers.
197-203 BibTeX
- Bidyut Gupta, K. Ghosh, Deepak Dutta, A. Gupta:
Broadcasting in complete and incomplete star interconnection networks.
205-213 BibTeX
- Chuchang Liu, Mehmet A. Orgun, Kang Zhang:
A parallel execution model for Chronolog.
215-228 BibTeX
- Allan K. Y. Wong, Joseph H. C. Wong:
A convergence algorithm for enhancing the performance of distributed applications running on sizeable networks.
229-236 BibTeX
- Alexander B. Romanovsky, Avelino F. Zorzo:
A distributed coordinated atomic action scheme.
237-247 BibTeX
- Andrea Bondavalli, Manuela Nelli, Luca Simoncini, Giorgio Mongardi:
Hierarchical modelling of complex control systems: dependability analysis of a railway interlocking.
249-261 BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 5,
September 2001
- Andrea Bondavalli, Mario Dal Cin, Diego Latella, István Majzik, András Pataricza, Giancarlo Savoia:
Dependability analysis in the early phases of UML-based system design.
265-275 BibTeX
- Yi Jiang, David Taniar, Clement H. C. Leung:
High performance distributed parallel query processing.
277-289 BibTeX
- Yuh-Min Tseng, Jinn-ke Jan:
Generalized group-oriented cryptosystem with authenticated sender.
291-294 BibTeX
- Wil M. P. van der Aalst:
How to handle dynamic change and capture management information? An approach based on generic workflow models.
295-318 BibTeX
- Soichi Shigeta, Kentaro Shimizu, Masahiro Sowa:
Access route control by an extended key/lock scheme.
319-325 BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 6,
November 2001
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:54:38 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)