2008 |
26 | EE | Andrea Bondavalli,
István Majzik,
Aad P. A. van Moorsel:
International Workshop on Resilience Assessment and Dependability Benchmarking (RADB 2008).
DSN 2008: 542-543 |
2007 |
25 | EE | Zoltán Micskei,
István Majzik,
Francis Tam:
Comparing Robustness of AIS-Based Middleware Implementations.
ISAS 2007: 20-30 |
24 | EE | István Majzik,
Zoltán Micskei,
Gergely Pintér:
Development of Model Based Tools to Support the Design of Railway Control Applications.
SAFECOMP 2007: 430-435 |
2006 |
23 | | Péter Domokos,
István Majzik:
Automated Construction of Dependability Models by Aspect-Oriented Modeling and Model Transformation.
ARCS Workshops 2006: 66-75 |
22 | EE | Zoltán Micskei,
István Majzik:
Model-based Automatic Test Generation for Event-Driven Embedded Systems using Model Checkers.
DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2006: 191-198 |
2005 |
21 | EE | Gergely Pintér,
Henrique Madeira,
Marco Vieira,
István Majzik,
András Pataricza:
A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors in Dependability Experiments.
EDCC 2005: 263-280 |
20 | EE | Gergely Pintér,
István Majzik:
Automatic Generation of Executable Assertions for Runtime Checking Temporal Requirements.
HASE 2005: 111-120 |
19 | EE | Péter Domokos,
István Majzik:
Design and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Architectures by Model Weaving.
HASE 2005: 15-24 |
2004 |
18 | EE | Gergely Pintér,
István Majzik:
Impact of Statechart Implementation Techniques on the Effectiveness of Fault Detection Mechanisms.
EUROMICRO 2004: 136-143 |
17 | EE | Gergely Pintér,
István Majzik:
Modeling and Analysis of Exception Handling by Using UML Statecharts.
FIDJI 2004: 58-67 |
16 | EE | István Majzik,
Gergely Pintér,
Péter Tamás Kovács:
UML Based Design of Time Triggered Systems.
ISORC 2004: 60-63 |
15 | EE | Gergely Pintér,
István Majzik:
Runtime Verification of Statechart Implementations.
WADS 2004: 148-172 |
2002 |
14 | EE | György Csertán,
Gábor Huszerl,
István Majzik,
Zsigmond Pap,
András Pataricza,
Dániel Varró:
VIATRA - Visual Automated Transformations for Formal Verification and Validation of UML Models.
ASE 2002: 267-270 |
13 | EE | István Majzik,
Gábor Huszerl:
Towards Dependability Modeling of FT-CORBA Architectures.
EDCC 2002: 121-139 |
12 | EE | István Majzik,
András Pataricza,
Andrea Bondavalli:
Stochastic Dependability Analysis of System Architecture Based on UML Models.
WADS 2002: 219-244 |
11 | EE | Gábor Huszerl,
István Majzik,
András Pataricza,
Konstantinos Kosmidis,
Mario Dal Cin:
Quantitative Analysis of UML Statechart Models of Dependable Systems.
Comput. J. 45(3): 260-277 (2002) |
2001 |
10 | EE | Gábor Huszerl,
István Majzik:
Modeling and Analysis of Redundancy Management in Distributed Object-Oriented Systems by Using UML Statecharts.
EUROMICRO 2001: 200-207 |
9 | EE | Zsigmond Pap,
István Majzik,
András Pataricza:
Checking General Safety Criteria on UML Statecharts.
SAFECOMP 2001: 46-55 |
8 | | Andrea Bondavalli,
Mario Dal Cin,
Diego Latella,
István Majzik,
András Pataricza,
Giancarlo Savoia:
Dependability analysis in the early phases of UML-based system design.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 16(5): 265-275 (2001) |
1999 |
7 | | Diego Latella,
István Majzik,
Mieke Massink:
Towards a Formal Operational Semantics of UML Statechart Diagrams.
FMOODS 1999 |
6 | EE | Andrea Bondavalli,
Ivan Mura,
István Majzik:
Automatic Dependability Analysis for Supporting Design Decisions in UML.
HASE 1999: 64- |
5 | EE | Andrea Bondavalli,
Ivan Mura,
István Majzik:
Automated Dependability Analysis of UML Designs.
ISORC 1999: 139- |
4 | EE | Diego Latella,
István Majzik,
Mieke Massink:
Automatic Verification of a Behavioural Subset of UML Statechart Diagrams Using the SPIN Model-checker.
Formal Asp. Comput. 11(6): 637-664 (1999) |
1996 |
3 | EE | B. Antal,
György Csertán,
István Majzik,
Andrea Bondavalli,
Luca Simoncini:
Reachability and Timing Analysis in Data Flow Networks: A Case Study.
EUROMICRO 1996: 193- |
2 | EE | István Majzik:
Software Monitoring and Debugging Using Compressed Signature Sequences.
EUROMICRO 1996: 311-318 |
1994 |
1 | | István Majzik,
András Pataricza,
Mario Dal Cin,
Wolfgang Hohl,
J. Hönig,
Volkmar Sieh:
Hierarchical Checking of Multiprocessors Using Watchdog Processors.
EDCC 1994: 386-403 |