Volume 15,
Number 1,
- Charles J. Colbourn, J. Scott Provan, Dirk Vertigan:
The Complexity of Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Transversal Matroids.
1-10 BibTeX
- Persi Diaconis, Michael McGrath, Jim Pitman:
Riffle Shuffles, Cycles, and Descents.
11-29 BibTeX
- Joel Friedman:
Some Graphs with Small Second Eigenvalue.
31-42 BibTeX
- Joel Friedman, Avi Wigderson:
On the Second Eigenvalue of Hypergraphs.
43-65 BibTeX
- Alan M. Frieze, Mark Jerrum:
An Analysis of a Monte Carlo Algorithm for Estimating the Permanent.
67-83 BibTeX
- Hanno Lefmann, Vojtech Rödl:
On Erdös-Rado Numbers.
85-104 BibTeX
- Klaus Metsch:
On the Number of Lines in Planar Spaces.
105-110 BibTeX
- Moshe Morgenstern:
Natural Bounded Concentrators.
111-122 BibTeX
- Gábor Tardos:
Transversals of 2-Intervals, a Topological Approach.
123-134 BibTeX
- Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs.
135-150 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 2,
- Timothy Y. Chow:
Penny-Packings with Minimal Second Moments.
151-158 BibTeX
- Guoli Ding:
Bounding the Number of Bases of a Matroid.
159-165 BibTeX
- György Elekes:
Circle Grids and Bipartite Graphs of Distances.
167-174 BibTeX
- David A. Grable, Kevin T. Phelps, Vojtech Rödl:
The Minimum Independence Number for Designs.
175-185 BibTeX
- Philip N. Klein, Satish Rao, Ajit Agrawal, R. Ravi:
An Approximate Max-Flow Min-Cut Relation for Unidirected Multicommodity Flow, with Applications.
187-202 BibTeX
- Dror Lapidot, Adi Shamir:
A One-Round, Two-Prover, Zero-Knowledge Protocol for NP.
204-214 BibTeX
- Nathan Linial, Eran London, Yuri Rabinovich:
The Geometry of Graphs and Some of its Algorithmic Applications.
215-245 BibTeX
- Xiaoyun Lu:
Hamiltonian Cycles in Bipartite Graphs.
247-254 BibTeX
- Alessandro Panconesi, Aravind Srinivasan:
The Local Natur of Delta-Coloring and its Algorithmic Applications.
255-280 BibTeX
- Paul D. Seymour:
Packing Directed Circuits Fractionally.
281-288 BibTeX
- D. A. Youngs:
Minimal Orientations of Colour Critical Graphs.
289-295 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 3,
- Noga Alon, Moshe Dubiner:
A Lattice Point Problem and Additive Number Theory.
301-309 BibTeX
- K. T. Arasu, James A. Davis, Jonathan Jedwab:
A Nonexistence Result for Abelian Menon Difference Sets Using Perfect Binary Arrays.
311-317 BibTeX
- Jason Cooper, Nathan Linial:
Fast Perfect-Information Leader-Election Protocols with Linear Immunity.
319-332 BibTeX
- Walter A. Deuber, Neil Hindman, Imre Leader, Hanno Lefmann:
Infinite Partition Regular Matrices.
333-355 BibTeX
- Yoshimi Egawa, Katsuhiro Ota, Akira Saito, Xingxing Yu:
Non-Contractible Edges in A 3-Connected Graph.
357-364 BibTeX
- Bernhard Herwig:
Extending Partial Isomorphisms on Finite Structures.
365-371 BibTeX
- T. R. Jensen, F. Bruce Shepherd:
Note on a Conjecture of Toft.
373-377 BibTeX
- Hanno Lefmann, Torsten Thiele:
Point Sets with Distinct Distances.
379-408 BibTeX
- Jesús A. De Loera, Bernd Sturmfels, Rekha R. Thomas:
Gröner Bases and Triangulations of the Second Hypersimplex.
409-424 BibTeX
- Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos:
Improved Bounds on the Max-Flow Min-Cut Ratio for Multicommodity Flows.
425-434 BibTeX
- David P. Williamson, Michel X. Goemans, Milena Mihail, Vijay V. Vazirani:
A Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithm for Generalized Steiner Network Problems.
435-454 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 4,
- H. L. Abbott, D. R. Hare, Bing Zhou:
Large Faces in 4-Critical Planar Graphs with Minimum Degree 4.
455-467 BibTeX
- H. L. Abbott, Bing Zhou:
Some Remarks on (k-1)-Critical Subgraphs of k-Critical Graphs.
469-474 BibTeX
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Péter L. Erdös, Niall Graham:
A Splitting Property of Maximal Antichains.
475-480 BibTeX
- Kris Coolsaet:
Local Structure of Graphs with lambda = mu=2, alpha2 = 4.
481-487 BibTeX
- Alan M. Frieze, Bruce A. Reed:
Covering the Edges of a Random Graph by Cliques.
489-497 BibTeX
- Michel X. Goemans, V. S. Ramakrishnan:
Minimizing Submodular Functions over Families of Sets.
499-513 BibTeX
- Satoru Iwata:
Principal Structure of Submodular Systems and Hitchcock-Type Independent Flows.
515-532 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Mader:
Existence of Vertices of Local Connectivity k in Digraphs of Large Outdegree.
533-539 BibTeX
- Bojan Mohar:
Uniqueness and Minimality of Large Face-Width Embeddings of Graphs.
541-556 BibTeX
- Noam Nisan, Avi Wigderson:
On Rank vs. Communication Complexity.
557-565 BibTeX
- Ran Raz, Boris Spieker:
On the ``Log Rank''-Conjecture in Communication Complexity.
567-588 BibTeX
- Vojtech Rödl, Norbert Sauer, Xu-Ding Zhu:
Ramsey Families which Exclude a Graph.
589-596 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:53:11 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)