
Karsten Weihe

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48EEJan M. Hochstein, Karsten Weihe: Maximum s-t-flow with k crossings in O(k3n log n) time. SODA 2007: 843-847
47EESiamak Tazari, Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Workload Balancing in Multi-stage Production Processes. WEA 2006: 49-60
46EEMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: On the cardinality of the Pareto set in bicriteria shortest path problems. Annals OR 147(1): 269-286 (2006)
45EEMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Moving policies in cyclic assembly line scheduling. Theor. Comput. Sci. 351(3): 425-436 (2006)
44EERoland Martin, Karsten Weihe: Weak Symmetries in Problem Formulations. CP 2005: 858
43EEMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Moving Policies in Cyclic Assembly-Line Scheduling. IWPEC 2004: 149-161
42EEJan M. Hochstein, Karsten Weihe: Edge-disjoint routing in plane switch graphs in linear time. J. ACM 51(4): 636-670 (2004)
41EEMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Mathias Schnee, Karsten Weihe: Getting Train Timetables into the Main Storage. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 66(6): (2002)
40EEMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Pareto Shortest Paths is Often Feasible in Practice. Algorithm Engineering 2001: 185-198
39EEKarsten Weihe: A software engineering perspective on algorithmics. ACM Comput. Surv. 33(1): 89-134 (2001)
38EEKarsten Weihe: On the Differences between ``Practical'' and ``Applied''. Algorithm Engineering 2000: 1-10
37EEAnnegret Liebers, Karsten Weihe: Recognizing Bundles in Time Table Graphs - A Structural Approach. Algorithm Engineering 2000: 87-98
36EEFrank Schulz, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Dijkstra's Algorithm On-Line: An Empirical Case Study from Public Railroad Transport. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 5: 12 (2000)
35EEKarsten Weihe, Thomas Willhalm: Reconstructing the Topology of a CAD Model - a Discrete Approach. Algorithmica 26(1): 126-147 (2000)
34 Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Quadrangular Refinements of Convex Polygons with an Application to Finite-Element Meshes. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 10(1): 1-40 (2000)
33 Annegret Liebers, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: On the Hardness of Recognizing Bundles in Time Table Graphs. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 11(3): 467-484 (2000)
32 Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Editorial: Discrete algorithm engineering. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(11): 1165 (2000)
31EEFrank Schulz, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Dijkstra's Algorithm On-Line: An Empirical Case Study from Public Railroad Transport. Algorithm Engineering 1999: 110-123
30EEKarsten Weihe: Edge-Disjoint Routing in Plane Switch Graphs in Linear Time. FOCS 1999: 330-340
29EEKarsten Weihe, Ulrik Brandes, Annegret Liebers, Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Dorothea Wagner, Thomas Willhalm: Empirical Design of Geometric Algorithms. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 86-94
28EEAnnegret Liebers, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: On the Hardness of Recognizing Bundles in Time Table Graphs. WG 1999: 325-337
27EEUlrik Brandes, Wolfram Schlickenrieder, Gabriele Neyer, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: A Software Package of Algorithms and Heuristics for Disjoint Paths in Planar Networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 92(2-3): 91-110 (1999)
26 Karsten Weihe, Thomas Willhalm: Why CAD Data Repair Requires Discrete Algorithmic Techniques. Algorithm Engineering 1998: 1-12
25EEUllrich Köthe, Karsten Weihe: The STL Model in the Geometric Domain. Generic Programming 1998: 232-248
24 Karsten Weihe: Laufzeitdynamische Evaluierung tabellarischer Daten. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 13(2): 61-71 (1998)
23 Dieter Gluche, Dietmar Kühl, Karsten Weihe: Iterators Evaluate Table Queries (C++ Toolbox). SIGPLAN Notices 33(1): 22-29 (1998)
22 Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Improved Approximations for Minimum Cardinality Quadrangulations of Finite Element Meshes. ESA 1997: 364-377
21 Karsten Weihe, Thomas Willhalm: Reconstructing the Topology of a CAD Model: A Discrete Approach. ESA 1997: 500-513
20 Karsten Weihe: Reuse of Algorithms: Still a Challenge to Object-Oriented Programming. OOPSLA 1997: 34-48
19EEMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Minimum Strictly Convex Quadrangulations of Convex Polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 193-202
18 Karsten Weihe: Multicommodity Flows in Even, Planar Networks. Algorithmica 18(3): 363-383 (1997)
17EERolf H. Möhring, Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Mesh refinement via bidirected flows: modeling, complexity, and computational results. J. ACM 44(3): 395-426 (1997)
16 Karsten Weihe: Edge-Disjoint (s, t)-Paths in Undirected Planar Graphs in Linear Time. J. Algorithms 23(1): 121-138 (1997)
15 Karsten Weihe: Maximum (s, t)-Flows in Planar Networks in O(|V|log|V|)-Time. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 55(3): 454-476 (1997)
14 Heike Ripphausen-Lipa, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: The Vertex-Disjoint Menger Problem in Planar Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 26(2): 331-349 (1997)
13 Annegret Liebers, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: C++ im Nebenfachstudium: Konzepte und Erfahrungen. Informatik Spektrum 19(5): 262-265 (1996)
12 Heike Ripphausen-Lipa, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Linear-Time Algorithms for Disjoint Two-Face Paths Problems in Planar Graphs. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 7(2): 95-110 (1996)
11 Rolf H. Möhring, Matthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe: Using Network Flows for Surface Modeling. SODA 1995: 350-359
10EEDorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: An Animated Library of Combinatorial VLSI-Routing Algorithms. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: C28-C29
9 Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs. Combinatorica 15(1): 135-150 (1995)
8 Karsten Weihe: Edge-Disjoint (s, t)-Paths on Undirected Planar Graphs in Linear Time. ESA 1994: 130-140
7 Karsten Weihe: Maximum (s, t)-Flows in Planar Networks in O(|V| log |V|) Time FOCS 1994: 178-189
6 Majid Sarrafzadeh, Dorothea Wagner, Frank Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Wiring Knock-Knee Layouts: A Global Approach. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(5): 581-589 (1994)
5 Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs. ESA 1993: 384-395
4 Karsten Weihe: Multicommodity Flows in Even, Planar Networks. ISAAC 1993: 333-342
3 Heike Ripphausen-Lipa, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Linear Time Algorithms for Disjoint Two-Face Paths Problems in Planar Graphs. ISAAC 1993: 343-352
2 Heike Ripphausen-Lipa, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe: The Vertex-Disjoint Menger Problem in Planar Graphs. SODA 1993: 112-119
1 Majid Sarrafzadeh, Dorothea Wagner, Frank Wagner, Karsten Weihe: Wiring Knock-Knee Layouts: A Global Appoach. ISAAC 1992: 388-399

Coauthor Index

1Ulrik Brandes [27] [29]
2Frank Geraets (Frank Wagner) [1] [6]
3Dieter Gluche [23]
4Jan M. Hochstein [42] [48]
5Ullrich Köthe [25]
6Dietmar Kühl [23]
7Annegret Liebers [13] [28] [29] [33] [37]
8Roland Martin [44]
9Rolf H. Möhring [11] [17]
10Matthias Müller-Hannemann [11] [17] [19] [22] [29] [34] [40] [41] [43] [45] [46] [47]
11Gabriele Neyer [27]
12Heike Ripphausen-Lipa [2] [3] [12] [14]
13Majid Sarrafzadeh [1] [6]
14Wolfram Schlickenrieder [27]
15Mathias Schnee [41]
16Frank Schulz [31] [36]
17Siamak Tazari [47]
18Dorothea Wagner [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [36]
19Thomas Willhalm [21] [26] [29] [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)