
Xiaoyun Lu

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12EEXiaoyun Lu, Da-Wei Wang, C. K. Wong: On the bounded domination number of tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 220(1-3): 257-261 (2000)
11EEXiaoyun Lu, Da-Wei Wang, C. K. Wong: The strong Hall property and symmetric chain orders. Discrete Mathematics 203(1-3): 161-168 (1999)
10EEXiaoyun Lu, Da-Wei Wang, C. K. Wong: On avoidable and unavoidable claws. Discrete Mathematics 184(1-3): 259-265 (1998)
9 Xiaoyun Lu: Hamiltonian Cycles in Bipartite Graphs. Combinatorica 15(2): 247-254 (1995)
8EEXiaoyun Lu: A Note on Biased and Non-biased Games. Discrete Applied Mathematics 60(1-3): 285-291 (1995)
7EEXiaoyun Lu: A Hamiltonian game on Kn, n. Discrete Mathematics 142(1-3): 185-191 (1995)
6EEXiaoyun Lu: Claws contained in all n-tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 119(1-3): 107-111 (1993)
5EEXiaoyun Lu: A characterization on n-critical economical generalized tic-tac-toe games. Discrete Mathematics 110(1-3): 197-203 (1992)
4EEXiaoyun Lu: Hamiltonian games. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 55(1): 18-32 (1992)
3 Xiaoyun Lu: On claws belonging to every tournament. Combinatorica 11(2): 173-179 (1991)
2EEXiaoyun Lu: A matching game. Discrete Mathematics 94(3): 199-207 (1991)
1EEMaolin Zheng, Xiaoyun Lu: On the maximum induced forests of a connected cubic graph without triangles. Discrete Mathematics 85(1): 89-96 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Da-Wei Wang [10] [11] [12]
2Chak-Kuen Wong (C. K. Wong) [10] [11] [12]
3Maolin Zheng [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)