Volume 15,
Number 1,
Spring 1994
- David B. Searls, Jude W. Shavlik, Lawrence Hunter:
The First International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
12-13 BibTeX
- Joseph R. Abrahamson:
Mind, Evolution, and Computers.
19-22 BibTeX
- Barbara J. Grosz, Jerry R. Hobbs:
Donald E. Walker - A Remembrance.
23-25 BibTeX
- Susan J. Lederman, Roberta L. Klatzky:
The Intelligent Hand: An Experimental Approach to Human-Object Recognition and Implications for Robotics and AI.
26-38 BibTeX
- Richard Frainier, Nicolas Groleau, Lyman Hazelton, Silvano Colombano, Michael Compton II, Irving C. Statler, Peter Szolovits, Laurence Young:
PI-in-a-Box: A Knowledge-Based System for Space Science Experimentation.
39-51 BibTeX
- David P. Miller:
The Long-Term Effects of Secondary Sensing.
52-56 BibTeX
- Kurt Konolige:
Designing the 1993 Robot Competition.
57-62 BibTeX
- Jimmy Krozel:
Intelligent Path Prediction for Vehicular Travel.
67-68 BibTeX
- Selmer Bringsjord, Christopher A. Welty:
Navigating through the Frame Problem: Review of Reasoning Agents in a Dynamic World.
69-72 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 2,
Summer 1994
- Robert B. Fisher:
Is Computer Vision Still AI?
21-27 BibTeX
- Edward A. Feigenbaum, Peter Friedland, Bruce B. Johnson, H. Penny Nii, Herbert Schorr, Howard E. Shrobe, Robert S. Engelmore:
Knowledge-Based Systems Research and Applications in Japan, 1992.
29-43 BibTeX
- Jay K. Strosnider, C. J. Paul:
A Structured View of Real-Time Problem Solving.
45-66 BibTeX
- Brian L. Robey, Pamela K. Fink, Sanjeev Venkatesan, Carol L. Redfield, Jerry W. Ferguson:
DRAIR ADVISER: A Knowledge-Based System for Materiel-Deficiency Analysis.
67-82 BibTeX
- Michael de la Maza:
The Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms.
83-85 BibTeX
- Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis:
IJCAI-91 Workshop on Objects and Artificial Intelligence.
86-87 BibTeX
- Daniel S. Weld:
The Seventh International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems.
88 BibTeX
- Nicolas Groleau:
Model-Based Scientific Discovery: A Study in Space Bioengineering.
89-91 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 3,
Fall 1994
- Barbara J. Grosz, Randall Davis:
A Report to ARPA on Twenty-First Century Intelligent Systems.
10-20 BibTeX
- Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Gilad Zlotkin:
Designing Conventions for Automated Negotiation.
29-46 BibTeX
- Franz Barachini:
Frontiers in Run-Time Prediction for the Production-System Paradigm.
47-61 BibTeX
- Fernando Alonso, José Luis Maté, Natalia Juristo Juzgado, Pedro L. Munoz, Juan Pazos:
Applying Metrics to Machine-Learning Tools: A Knowledge Engineering Approach.
63-75 BibTeX
- K. J. Cleetus:
Third Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure fo Collaborative Enterprises.
76 BibTeX
- Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, Christopher J. Matheus, Padhraic Smyth, Ramasamy Uthurusamy:
KDD-93: Progress and Challenges in Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
77-82 BibTeX
- David W. Etherington, Henry A. Kautz:
The Fourth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
83-85 BibTeX
- Hans P. Moravec:
The Great 1980s AI Bubble: A Review of The Brain Makers.
86-87 BibTeX
- Marti A. Hearst:
A Review of Statistical Language Learning.
88-89 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 4,
Winter 1994
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:58 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)