
Xinyu Zhang

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20EEXinyu Zhang, Baochun Li: Network Coding Aware Dynamic Subcarrier Assignment in OFDMA Wireless Networks. ICC 2008: 2735-2739
19EEXinyu Zhang, Baochun Li: Optimized Multipath Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Networks. ICDCS 2008: 243-250
18EEXinyu Zhang, Nianlong Luo, Li Zheng: The Research on the Case Learning Activity Sustained by a Web-Based Case Assisted Study Environment-Take the Introduction of Industry System Course for Example. ICWL 2008: 111-121
17EEXinyu Zhang, Zhigang Wang: The Design and Implement of Knowledge Building Classroom Based on Web2.0. ICWL 2008: 405-412
16EEXinyu Zhang, Baochun Li: Dice: a game theoretic framework for wireless multipath network coding. MobiHoc 2008: 293-302
15EEXinyu Zhang, Baochun Li: On the Benefits of Network Coding in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. SECON 2008: 341-349
14EEYi Dou, Xinyu Zhang, Li Li: A New Approach for Education Information System's Compliance Test with the CELTS Standard Based Upon XML Processing Technology. WBL 2008: 146-154
13EEXinyu Zhang, Stephane Redon, Minkyoung Lee, Young J. Kim: Continuous collision detection for articulated models using Taylor models and temporal culling. ACM Trans. Graph. 26(3): 15 (2007)
12EEXinyu Zhang, Young J. Kim: Interactive Collision Detection for Deformable Models Using Streaming AABBs. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(2): 318-329 (2007)
11EESujeong Kim, Xinyu Zhang, Young J. Kim: Haptic Puppetry for Interactive Games. Edutainment 2006: 1292-1302
10EEXiaosong Wang, Haitao Zhao, Qingwen Xu, Weibo Jin, Changning Liu, Huagang Zhang, Zhibin Huang, Xinyu Zhang, Yu Zhang, Dianqi Xin, Andrew J. G. Simpson, Lloyd J. Old, Yanqun Na, Yi Zhao, Weifeng Chen: HPtaa database-potential target genes for clinical diagnosis and immunotherapy of human carcinoma. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 607-612 (2006)
9EEXinyu Zhang, Minkyoung Lee, Young J. Kim: Interactive continuous collision detection for non-convex polyhedra. The Visual Computer 22(9-11): 749-760 (2006)
8 Xinyu Zhang, Arvid Myklebust, Paul Gelhausen: An Intersection Algorithm Suitable for Geometric Trimming of B-Spline Surfaces of Aircraft Fuselage and Wing Components. CISST 2005: 281-
7EEStephen S. Yau, Xinyu Zhang: A middleware service for secure group communication in mobile ad hoc networks. Journal of Systems and Software 76(1): 29-43 (2005)
6EEXinyu Zhang, Nianlong Luo, Dongxing Jiang, Huifen Liu, Wenyi Zhang: Web-Based Collaborative Learning Focused on the Study of Interaction and Human Communication. ICWL 2004: 113-119
5EEXinyu Zhang, Nianlong Luo, XiangCun Wu, Dongxing Jiang, JianWei Zhang, DongXue Liu: Community Knowledge Building Environment with Concept of KBC. ICWL 2004: 440-448
4EEStephen S. Yau, Xinyu Zhang: A Middleware Service for Secure Group Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. COMPSAC 2003: 10-15
3EEXinyu Zhang, Nianlong Luo, Dongxing Jiang: Synchronous Graphic-Interaction in CSCL. ICWL 2003: 542-549
2 Huifen Liu, Xin Hu, Xinyu Zhang: Human Communication and Interaction in Web Based Learning: A Case Study of the digital Media Web Course. ICCE 2002: 217-221
1EEStephen S. Yau, Xinyu Zhang: Computer Network Intrusion Detection, Assessment And Prevention Based on Security Dependency Relation. COMPSAC 1999: 86-

Coauthor Index

1Weifeng Chen [10]
2Yi Dou [14]
3Paul Gelhausen [8]
4Xin Hu [2]
5Zhibin Huang [10]
6Dongxing Jiang [3] [5] [6]
7Weibo Jin [10]
8Sujeong Kim [11]
9Young J. Kim [9] [11] [12] [13]
10Minkyoung Lee [9] [13]
11Baochun Li [15] [16] [19] [20]
12Li Li [14]
13Changning Liu [10]
14DongXue Liu [5]
15Huifen Liu [2] [6]
16Nianlong Luo [3] [5] [6] [18]
17Arvid Myklebust [8]
18Yanqun Na [10]
19Lloyd J. Old [10]
20Stephane Redon [13]
21Andrew J. G. Simpson [10]
22Xiaosong Wang [10]
23Zhigang Wang [17]
24XiangCun Wu [5]
25Dianqi Xin [10]
26Qingwen Xu [10]
27Stephen S. Yau [1] [4] [7]
28Huagang Zhang [10]
29JianWei Zhang [5]
30Wenyi Zhang [6]
31Yu Zhang [10]
32Haitao Zhao [10]
33Yi Zhao [10]
34Li Zheng [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)