
Shujian Zhang

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7 Kevin Cattell, Shujian Zhang, Micaela Serra, Jon C. Muzio: 2-by-n Hybrid Cellular Automata with Regular Configuration: Theory and Application. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(3): 285-295 (1999)
6EEShujian Zhang, D. Michael Miller, Jon C. Muzio: Notes on "Complexity of the lookup-table minimization problem for FPGA technology mapping". IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(12): 1588-1590 (1996)
5EEShujian Zhang, Jon C. Muzio: Evaluating the safety of self-checking circuits. J. Electronic Testing 6(2): 243-253 (1995)
4EEKevin Cattell, Shujian Zhang: Minimal cost one-dimensional linear hybrid cellular automata of degree through 500. J. Electronic Testing 6(2): 255-258 (1995)
3EEShujian Zhang, Rod Byrne, Jon C. Muzio, D. Michael Miller: Quantitative analysis for linear hybrid cellular automata and LFSR as built-in self-test generators for sequential faults. J. Electronic Testing 7(3): 209-221 (1995)
2 Shujian Zhang, Rod Byrne, Jon C. Muzio, D. Michael Miller: Why Cellular Automata are better than LFSRs as Built-in Self-test Generators for Sequential-type Faults. ISCAS 1994: 69-72
1 Shujian Zhang, Rod Byrne, D. Michael Miller: BIST Generators for Sequential Faults. ICCD 1992: 260-263

Coauthor Index

1Rod Byrne [1] [2] [3]
2Kevin Cattell [4] [7]
3D. Michael Miller [1] [2] [3] [6]
4Jon C. Muzio [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
5Micaela Serra [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)