
Wentao Yu

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6 Wentao Yu, Redwan Alqasemi, Rajiv V. Dubey, Norali Pernalete: Telemanipulation Assistance Based on Motion Intention Recognition. ICRA 2005: 1121-1126
5EEWentao Yu, Rajiv V. Dubey, Norali Pernalete: Robotic Therapy for Persons with Disabilities using Hidden Markov Model based Skill Learning. ICRA 2004: 2074-2079
4EENorali Pernalete, Ramakrishna Gottipati, Samyuktha Mikkilineni, Sandra Edwards, Erin McCann, Wentao Yu, Rajiv V. Dubey: Eye-hand Coordination Assessment Using a Robotic Haptic Interface. ICRA 2004: 305-310
3EEWentao Yu, Benjamin E. Fritz, Norali Pernalete, Michael Jurczyk, Rajiv V. Dubey: Sensors Assisted Telemanipulation for Maximizing Manipulation Capabilities of Persons With Disabilities. HAPTICS 2003: 295-301
2 Norali Pernalete, Wentao Yu, Rajiv V. Dubey, Wilfrido A. Moreno: Telerobotic haptic system to assist the performance of occupational therapy tests by motion-impaired users. ICRA 2003: 1247-1252
1 Norali Pernalete, Wentao Yu, Rajiv V. Dubey, Wilfrido A. Moreno: Development of a Robotic Haptic Interface to Assist the Performance of Vocational Tasks by People with Disabilities. ICRA 2002: 1269-1274

Coauthor Index

1Redwan Alqasemi [6]
2Rajiv V. Dubey [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Sandra Edwards [4]
4Benjamin E. Fritz [3]
5Ramakrishna Gottipati [4]
6Michael Jurczyk [3]
7Erin McCann [4]
8Samyuktha Mikkilineni [4]
9Wilfrido A. Moreno [1] [2]
10Norali Pernalete [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)