
Cliff Young

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17EEJohn P. Grossman, Cliff Young, Joseph A. Bank, Kenneth Mackenzie, Doug Ierardi, John K. Salmon, Ron O. Dror, David E. Shaw: Simulation and embedded software development for Anton, a parallel machine with heterogeneous multicore ASICs. CODES+ISSS 2008: 125-130
16EERichard H. Larson, John K. Salmon, Ron O. Dror, Martin M. Deneroff, Cliff Young, John P. Grossman, Yibing Shan, John L. Klepeis, David E. Shaw: High-throughput pairwise point interactions in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation. HPCA 2008: 331-342
15EEJeffrey Kuskin, Cliff Young, John P. Grossman, Brannon Batson, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, David E. Shaw: Incorporating flexibility in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation. HPCA 2008: 343-354
14EEJohn P. Grossman, John K. Salmon, Richard C. Ho, Doug Ierardi, Brian Towles, Brannon Batson, Jochen Spengler, Stanley C. Wang, Rolf Mueller, Michael Theobald, Cliff Young, Joseph Gagliardo, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, David E. Shaw: Hierarchical simulation-based verification of Anton, a special-purpose parallel machine. ICCD 2008: 340-347
13EEDavid E. Shaw, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, Jeffrey Kuskin, Richard H. Larson, John K. Salmon, Cliff Young, Brannon Batson, Kevin J. Bowers, Jack C. Chao, Michael P. Eastwood, Joseph Gagliardo, John P. Grossman, Richard C. Ho, Doug Ierardi, István Kolossváry, John L. Klepeis, Timothy Layman, Christine McLeavey, Mark A. Moraes, Rolf Mueller, Edward C. Priest, Yibing Shan, Jochen Spengler, Michael Theobald, Brian Towles, Stanley C. Wang: Anton, a special-purpose machine for molecular dynamics simulation. Commun. ACM 51(7): 91-97 (2008)
12EEDavid E. Shaw, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, Jeffrey Kuskin, Richard H. Larson, John K. Salmon, Cliff Young, Brannon Batson, Kevin J. Bowers, Jack C. Chao, Michael P. Eastwood, Joseph Gagliardo, John P. Grossman, Richard C. Ho, Doug Ierardi, István Kolossváry, John L. Klepeis, Timothy Layman, Christine McLeavey, Mark A. Moraes, Rolf Mueller, Edward C. Priest, Yibing Shan, Jochen Spengler, Michael Theobald, Brian Towles, Stanley C. Wang: Anton, a special-purpose machine for molecular dynamics simulation. ISCA 2007: 1-12
11EECliff Young: Architectures and Algorithms for Biomolecular Simulation. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2006
10EECliff Young, Yagati N. Lakshman, Tom Szymanski, John H. Reppy, David L. Presotto, Rob Pike, Girija J. Narlikar, Sape J. Mullender, Eric Grosse: Protium, an Infrastructure for Partitioned Applications. HotOS 2001: 47-52
9EEStefanos Kaxiras, Cliff Young: Coherence Communication Prediction in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. HPCA 2000: 156-167
8EESerap A. Savari, Cliff Young: Comparing and Combining Profiles. J. Instruction-Level Parallelism 2: (2000)
7EECliff Young, Michael D. Smith: Static correlated branch prediction. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 21(5): 1028-1075 (1999)
6EECliff Young, Michael D. Smith: Better Global Scheduling Using Path Profiles. MICRO 1998: 115-123
5 Cliff Young, David S. Johnson, David R. Karger, Michael D. Smith: Near-optimal Intraprocedural Branch Alignment. PLDI 1997: 183-193
4EECliff Young, Nicholas C. Gloy, Michael D. Smith: A Comparative Analysis of Schemes for Correlated Branch Prediction. ISCA 1995: 276-286
3EENicholas C. Gloy, Michael D. Smith, Cliff Young: Performance issues in correlated branch prediction schemes. MICRO 1995: 3-14
2 Cliff Young, Michael D. Smith: Improving the Accuracy of Static Branch Prediction Using Branch Correlation. ASPLOS 1994: 232-241
1 Trevor Blackwell, Kee Chan, Koling Chang, Thomas Charuhas, James Gwertzman, Brad Karp, H. T. Kung, David Li, Dong Lin, Robert Morris, Rob Polansky, Diane Tang, Cliff Young, John Zao: Secure Short-Cut Routing for Mobile IP. USENIX Summer 1994: 305-316

Coauthor Index

1Joseph A. Bank [17]
2Brannon Batson [12] [13] [14] [15]
3Trevor Blackwell [1]
4Kevin J. Bowers [12] [13]
5Kee Chan [1]
6Koling Chang [1]
7Jack C. Chao [12] [13]
8Thomas Charuhas [1]
9Martin M. Deneroff [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
10Ron O. Dror [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
11Michael P. Eastwood [12] [13]
12Joseph Gagliardo [12] [13] [14]
13Nicholas C. Gloy [3] [4]
14Eric Grosse [10]
15John P. Grossman [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
16James Gwertzman [1]
17Richard C. Ho [12] [13] [14]
18Doug Ierardi [12] [13] [14] [17]
19David S. Johnson [5]
20David R. Karger [5]
21Brad Karp [1]
22Stefanos Kaxiras [9]
23John L. Klepeis [12] [13] [16]
24István Kolossváry [12] [13]
25H. T. Kung [1]
26Jeffrey Kuskin [12] [13] [15]
27Yagati N. Lakshman [10]
28Richard H. Larson [12] [13] [16]
29Timothy Layman [12] [13]
30David Li [1]
31Dong Lin [1]
32Kenneth Mackenzie [17]
33Christine McLeavey [12] [13]
34Mark A. Moraes [12] [13]
35Robert Morris [1]
36Rolf Mueller [12] [13] [14]
37Sape J. Mullender [10]
38Girija J. Narlikar [10]
39Rob Pike [10]
40Rob Polansky [1]
41David L. Presotto [10]
42Edward C. Priest [12] [13]
43John H. Reppy [10]
44John K. Salmon [12] [13] [14] [16] [17]
45Serap A. Savari [8]
46Yibing Shan [12] [13] [16]
47David E. Shaw [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
48Michael D. Smith [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
49Jochen Spengler [12] [13] [14]
50Tom Szymanski [10]
51Diane Tang [1]
52Michael Theobald [12] [13] [14]
53Brian Towles [12] [13] [14]
54Stanley C. Wang [12] [13] [14]
55John Zao [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)