
Shrirang M. Yardi

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7EEMichael D. Powell, Arijit Biswas, Joel S. Emer, Shubhendu S. Mukherjee, Basit R. Sheikh, Shrirang M. Yardi: CAMP: A technique to estimate per-structure power at run-time using a few simple parameters. HPCA 2009: 289-300
6EEShrirang M. Yardi, Michael S. Hsiao: Quantifying the energy efficiency of coordinated micro-architectural adaptation for multimedia workloads. ICCD 2008: 583-590
5EEShrirang M. Yardi, Benjamin Bishop, Thomas P. Kelliher: HELLAS: a specialized architecture for interactive deformable object modeling. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 56-61
4EEShrirang M. Yardi, Michael S. Hsiao, Thomas L. Martin, Dong S. Ha: Quality-Driven Proactive Computation Elimination for Power-Aware Multimedia Processing. DATE 2005: 340-345
3EEShrirang M. Yardi, Karthik Channakeshava, Michael S. Hsiao, Thomas L. Martin, Dong S. Ha: A Formal Framework for Modeling and Analysis of System-Level Dynamic Power Management. ICCD 2005: 119-126
2 Shrirang M. Yardi, Benjamin Bishop, Thomas P. Kelliher: An Analysis of Iterative Deformable Solid Object Modeling. MSV 2005: 95-99
1 Shrirang M. Yardi, Hamid R. Arabnia: A Communication Framework for the Reconfigurable Multi-Ring Network. Communications in Computing 2003: 47-57

Coauthor Index

1Hamid R. Arabnia [1]
2Benjamin Bishop [2] [5]
3Arijit Biswas [7]
4Karthik Channakeshava [3]
5Joel S. Emer [7]
6Dong S. Ha [3] [4]
7Michael S. Hsiao [3] [4] [6]
8Thomas P. Kelliher [2] [5]
9Thomas L. Martin [3] [4]
10Shubhendu S. Mukherjee [7]
11Michael D. Powell [7]
12Basit R. Sheikh [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)