
Jun-tao Guo

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7EEGuojun Li, Zhijie Liu, Jun-tao Guo, Ying Xu: An Algorithm for Simultaneous Backbone Threading and Side-Chain Packing. Algorithmica 51(4): 435-450 (2008)
6EEGuojun Li, Zhijie Liu, Jun-tao Guo, Ying Xu: An Algorithm for Simultaneous Backbone Threading and Side-Chain Packing. Algorithmica 48(4): 329-342 (2007)
5EEPeng Wang, Bo Yan, Jun-tao Guo, Chindo Hicks, Ying Xu: Structural genomics analysis of alternative splicing and its application in modeling structures of alternatively spliced variants. CSB Workshops 2005: 217-
4EEPeng Wang, Zhengchang Su, Jun-tao Guo, Ying Xu: Structural Analysis of FGFR1 Kinase Activation through Molecular Dynamics Simulation. CSB 2004: 700-701
3EEJun-tao Guo, Ying Xu: Molecular Modeling of Full-Length OxyR from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Activation Domain. CSB 2004: 708-709
2EEYouxing Qu, Jun-tao Guo, Victor Olman, Ying Xu: Protein Fold Recognition Through Application of Residual Dipolar Coupling Data. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004: 459-470
1 Jun-tao Guo, Kyle Ellrott, Won Jae Chung, Dong Xu, Sergei Passovets, Ying Xu: PROSPECT-PSPP: an automatic computational pipeline for protein structure prediction. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 522-525 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Won Jae Chung [1]
2Kyle Ellrott [1]
3Chindo Hicks [5]
4Guojun Li [6] [7]
5Zhijie Liu [6] [7]
6Victor Olman [2]
7Sergei Passovets [1]
8Youxing Qu [2]
9Zhengchang Su [4]
10Peng Wang [4] [5]
11Dong Xu [1]
12Ying Xu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
13Bo Yan [5]

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