
Huapeng Wu

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23EEAshkan Hosseinzadeh Namin, Huapeng Wu, Majid Ahmadi: A high speed word level finite field multiplier using reordered normal basis. ISCAS 2008: 3278-3281
22EEYongbo Wang, Huapeng Wu, Heikki Handroos, Bingkui Chen: On the Error Modeling of a Novel Mobile Hybrid Parallel Robot. RAM 2008: 1217-1222
21EEHuapeng Wu, Pekka Pessi, Heikki Handroos: A Hybrid Parallel Robot. RAM 2008: 640-644
20EEShushan Zhao, Akshai K. Aggarwal, Shuping Liu, Huapeng Wu: A Secure Routing Protocol in Proactive Security Approach for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. WCNC 2008: 2627-2632
19EEAshkan Hosseinzadeh Namin, Huapeng Wu, Majid Ahmadi: A New Finite-Field Multiplier Using Redundant Representation. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(5): 716-720 (2008)
18EEHuapeng Wu: Bit-Parallel Polynomial Basis Multiplier for New Classes of Finite Fields. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(8): 1023-1031 (2008)
17EEBijan Ansari, Huapeng Wu: Efficient Finite Field Processor for GF(2^163) and its VLSI Implementation. ITNG 2007: 1021-1026
16EEAshkan Hosseinzadeh Namin, Huapeng Wu, Majid Ahmadi: Comb Architectures for Finite Field Multiplication in F(2^m). IEEE Trans. Computers 56(7): 909-916 (2007)
15EEPayman Samadi, Huapeng Wu, Majid Ahmadi: The 2-D Quantized DCT with Distributed Arithmetic. CCECE 2006: 2049-2052
14EEHuapeng Wu, M. Anwarul Hasan, Ian F. Blake, Shuhong Gao: Finite Field Multiplier Using Redundant Representation. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(11): 1306-1316 (2002)
13EEHuapeng Wu: Montgomery Multiplier and Squarer for a Class of Finite Fields. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(5): 521-529 (2002)
12EEHuapeng Wu: Bit-Parallel Finite Field Multiplier and Squarer Using Polynomial Basis. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(7): 750-758 (2002)
11EEGuang Gong, Lein Harn, Huapeng Wu: The GH Public-Key Cryptosystem. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 284-300
10EEHuapeng Wu, M. Anwar Hasan: Efficient exponentiation using weakly dual basis. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(6): 874-879 (2001)
9EEHuapeng Wu: Montgomery Multiplier and Squarer in GF(2m). CHES 2000: 264-276
8EEHuapeng Wu, Heikki Handroos: Utilization of differential evolution in inverse kinematics solution of a parallel redundant manipulator. KES 2000: 812-815
7EEHuapeng Wu: On Complexity of Polynomial Basis Squaring in F2m. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2000: 118-129
6EEHuapeng Wu, M. Anwarul Hasan, Ian F. Blake: Highly Regular Architectures for Finite Field Computation Using Redundant Basis. CHES 1999: 269-279
5EEHuapeng Wu: Low Complexity Bit-Parallel Finite Field Arithmetic Using Polynomial Basis. CHES 1999: 280-291
4 Huapeng Wu, M. Anwarul Hasan: Closed-Form Expression for the Average Weight of Signed-Digit Representations. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(8): 848-851 (1999)
3 Huapeng Wu, M. Anwarul Hasan, Ian F. Blake: New Low-Complexity Bit-Parallel Finite Field Multipliers Using Weakly Dual Bases. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(11): 1223-1234 (1998)
2 Huapeng Wu, M. Anwarul Hasan: Low Complexity Bit-Parallel Multipliers for a Class of Finite Fields. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(8): 883-887 (1998)
1 Huapeng Wu, M. Anwarul Hasan: Efficient Exponentiation of a Primitive Root in GF(2^m). IEEE Trans. Computers 46(2): 162-172 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Akshai K. Aggarwal [20]
2Majid Ahmadi [15] [16] [19] [23]
3Bijan Ansari [17]
4Ian F. Blake [3] [6] [14]
5Bingkui Chen [22]
6Shuhong Gao [14]
7Guang Gong [11]
8Heikki Handroos [8] [21] [22]
9Lein Harn [11]
10M. Anwar Hasan (M. Anwarul Hasan) [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [10] [14]
11Shuping Liu [20]
12Ashkan Hosseinzadeh Namin [16] [19] [23]
13Pekka Pessi [21]
14Payman Samadi [15]
15Yongbo Wang [22]
16Shushan Zhao [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)