
Shuping Liu

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5EEShuping Liu, Jianwei Chen, Shushan Zhao, Fan Na: Peer-to-Peer Application in Mobile Cellular Systems. ITNG 2008: 366-371
4EEShushan Zhao, Akshai K. Aggarwal, Shuping Liu, Huapeng Wu: A Secure Routing Protocol in Proactive Security Approach for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. WCNC 2008: 2627-2632
3EEXiaole Bai, Marcin Matuszewski, Shuping Liu, Raimo Kantola: A Novel Multi-path Routing Protocol. ICCNMC 2005: 732-741
2EEYin Wang, Raimo Kantola, Shuping Liu: Adding Multi-Class Routing into the DiffServ Architecture. ICW/ICHSN/ICMCS/SENET 2005: 326-334
1EEXiaole Bai, Shuping Liu, Peng Zhang, Raimo Kantola: ICN: Interest-Based Clustering Network. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2004: 219-226

Coauthor Index

1Akshai K. Aggarwal [4]
2Xiaole Bai [1] [3]
3Jianwei Chen [5]
4Raimo Kantola [1] [2] [3]
5Marcin Matuszewski [3]
6Fan Na [5]
7Yin Wang [2]
8Huapeng Wu [4]
9Peng Zhang [1]
10Shushan Zhao [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)