
Stewart Worrall

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10EESurachai Ongkittikul, Stewart Worrall, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Two Hand Tracking Using Colour Statistical Model with the K-means Embedded Particle Filter for Hand Gesture Recognition. CISIM 2008: 201-206
9EESabih Nasir, Stewart Worrall, Marta Mrak, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Multi bearer channel resource allocation for optimised transmission of video objects. ICIP 2008: 3100-3103
8EEMaheshi B. Dissanayake, Chaminda T. E. R. Hewage, Stewart Worrall, Warnakulasuriya Anil Chandana Fernando, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Redundant motion vectors for improved error resilience in H.264/AVC coded video. ICME 2008: 25-28
7EEChaminda T. E. R. Hewage, Stewart Worrall, Safak Dogan, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Frame concealment algorithm for stereoscopic video using motion vector sharing. ICME 2008: 485-488
6EEZaheer Ahmad, Stewart Worrall, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Unequal power allocation for scalable video transmission over WiMAX. ICME 2008: 517-520
5EEStewart Worrall, Eduardo Mario Nebot: A probabilistic method for detecting impending vehicle interactions. ICRA 2008: 1787-1791
4EEY. Ma, Stewart Worrall, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Automatic video object segmentation using depth information and an active contour model. MMSP 2008: 910-914
3EEStewart Worrall, Eduardo Mario Nebot: Using Non-Parametric Filters and Sparse Observations to Localise a Fleet of Mining Vehicles. ICRA 2007: 509-516
2EEEduardo Mario Nebot, José Guivant, Stewart Worrall: Haul truck alignment monitoring and operator warning system. J. Field Robotics 23(2): 141-161 (2006)
1EEMingyou Hu, Abdul H. Sadka, Stewart Worrall, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Scalable shape coding of video objects using temporal prediction. ICME 2005: 703-706

Coauthor Index

1Zaheer Ahmad [6]
2Maheshi B. Dissanayake [8]
3Safak Dogan [7]
4Warnakulasuriya Anil Chandana Fernando [8]
5José Guivant [2]
6Chaminda T. E. R. Hewage [7] [8]
7Mingyou Hu [1]
8Ahmet M. Kondoz [1] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
9Y. Ma [4]
10Marta Mrak [9]
11Sabih Nasir [9]
12Eduardo Mario Nebot [2] [3] [5]
13Surachai Ongkittikul [10]
14Abdul H. Sadka [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)