
W. Wong

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6EEW. Wong, Jacob Scharcanski: Phase-Adaptive Superresolution of Mammographic Images Using Complex Wavelets. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(5): 1140-1146 (2009)
5 W. Wong, L. Lee, K. Wong: A Modified Chaotic Cryptographic Method. Communications and Multimedia Security 2001
4 David S. Wishart, S. Fortin, David R. Woloschuk, W. Wong, T. Rosborough, Gary H. Van Domselaar, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane Szafron: A platform-independent graphical user interface for SEQSEE and XALIGN. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 13(5): 561-562 (1997)
3 Niki Pissinou, Kia Makki, E. K. Park, Z. Hu, W. Wong: An Efficient Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. ICPP, Vol. 1 1996: 196-203
2EEV. Szwarc, L. Desormeaux, W. Wong, C. P. S. Yeung, C. H. Chan, Tad A. Kwasniewski: A chip set for pipeline and parallel pipeline FFT architectures. VLSI Signal Processing 8(3): 253-265 (1994)
1 W. Wong: A Simple Graph Theory and Its Application in Railway Signalling. TPHOLs 1991: 395-409

Coauthor Index

1C. H. Chan [2]
2L. Desormeaux [2]
3Gary H. Van Domselaar [4]
4S. Fortin [4]
5Z. Hu [3]
6Tad A. Kwasniewski [2]
7L. Lee [5]
8Kia Makki [3]
9E. K. Park (Eun Kyo Park) [3]
10Niki Pissinou [3]
11T. Rosborough [4]
12Jonathan Schaeffer [4]
13Jacob Scharcanski [6]
14Duane Szafron [4]
15V. Szwarc [2]
16David S. Wishart [4]
17David R. Woloschuk [4]
18K. Wong [5]
19C. P. S. Yeung [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)