
James Mayfield

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40EEPaul McNamee, Charles K. Nicholas, James Mayfield: Don't have a stemmer?: be un+concern+ed. SIGIR 2008: 813-814
39 Justin Martineau, Akshay Java, Pranam Kolari, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi, James Mayfield: BlogVox: Learning Sentiment Classifiers. AAAI 2007: 1888-1889
38EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee: Improving QA retrieval using document priors. SIGIR 2006: 677-678
37EEP. Schone, G. Ciany, R. Cutts, Paul McNamee, James Mayfield, Tom Smith: QACTIS Enhancements in TREC QA 2006. TREC 2006
36EETimothy W. Finin, James Mayfield, Anupam Joshi, R. Scott Cost, Clay Fink: Information Retrieval and the Semantic Web. HICSS 2005
35EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: Translating pieces of words. SIGIR 2005: 643-644
34EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: Cross-Language Retrieval Using HAIRCUT at CLEF 2004. CLEF 2004: 50-59
33EEDouglas W. Oard, Dagobert Soergel, David S. Doermann, Xiaoli Huang, G. Craig Murray, Jianqiang Wang, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Martin Franz, Samuel Gustman, James Mayfield, Liliya Kharevych, Stephanie Strassel: Building an information retrieval test collection for spontaneous conversational speech. SIGIR 2004: 41-48
32EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee: Triangulation without translation. SIGIR 2004: 490-491
31 Paul McNamee, James Mayfield: Character N-Gram Tokenization for European Language Text Retrieval. Inf. Retr. 7(1-2): 73-97 (2004)
30EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee, Christine D. Piatko, Claudia Pearce: Lattice-based tagging using support vector machines. CIKM 2003: 303-308
29EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: N-Grams for Translation and Retrieval in CL-SDR. CLEF 2003: 658-663
28EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: JHU/APL Experiments in Tokenization and Non-word Translation. CLEF 2003: 85-97
27EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee: Single n-gram stemming. SIGIR 2003: 415-416
26EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee: Combining Methods for the TREC 2003 Robust Track. TREC 2003: 358-362
25EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: Scalable Multilingual Information Access. CLEF 2002: 207-218
24EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: Comparing cross-language query expansion techniques by degrading translation resources. SIGIR 2002: 159-166
23EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee: Converting on-line bilingual dictionaries from human-readable to machine-readable form. SIGIR 2002: 405-406
22EEPaul McNamee, Christine D. Piatko, James Mayfield: JHU/APL at TREC 2002: Experiments in Filtering and Arabic Retrieval. TREC 2002
21EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield: JHU/APL Experiments at CLEF: Translation Resources and Score Normalization. CLEF 2001: 193-208
20EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee, Cash Costello, Christine D. Piatko, Amit Banerjee: JHU/APL at TREC 2001: Experiments in Filtering and in Arabic, Video, and Web Retrieval. TREC 2001
19EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield, Christine D. Piatko: A Language-Independent Approach to European Text Retrieval. CLEF 2000: 129-139
18EEPaul McNamee, James Mayfield, Christine D. Piatko: The HAIRCUT System at TREC-9. TREC 2000
17 Robert Wilensky, David N. Chin, Marc Luria, James H. Martin, James Mayfield, Dekai Wu: The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(1-2): 43-88 (2000)
16 James Mayfield: Evaluating Plan Recognition Systems: Three Properties of a Good Explanation. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(4-5): 351-376 (2000)
15EER. Scott Cost, Timothy W. Finin, Yannis Labrou, Xiaocheng Luan, Yun Peng, Ian Soboroff, James Mayfield, Akram Boughannam: An Agent-Based Infrastructure for Enterprise Integration. ASA/MA 1999: 219-233
14EER. Scott Cost, Timothy W. Finin, Yannis Labrou, Xiaocheng Luan, Yun Peng, Ian Soboroff, James Mayfield, Akram Boughannam: Agent Development with Jackal. Agents 1999: 358-359
13EEJames Mayfield, Paul McNamee, Christine D. Piatko: The JHU/APL HAIRCUT System at TREC-8. TREC 1999
12 James Mayfield, Paul McNamee: Indexing Using Both N-Grams and Words. TREC 1998: 361-365
11 Charles K. Nicholas, James Mayfield: Intelligent Hypertext: Advanced Techniques for the World Wide Web Springer 1997
10 James Mayfield: Two-Level Models of Hypertext. Intelligent Hypertext 1997: 90-108
9 Ralph D. Semmel, James Mayfield: Automated Query Formulation Using an Entity-Relationship Conceptual Schema. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 8(3): 267-290 (1997)
8 James Mayfield, Yannis Labrou, Timothy W. Finin: Evaluation of KQML as an Agent Communication Language. ATAL 1995: 347-360
7 James Mayfield, Charles K. Nicholas: Snitch: Augmenting Hypertext Documents with a Semantic Net. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 2(3): 335- (1993)
6EEJames Mayfield: University of Maryland/ConQuest: MUC-4 test results and analysis. MUC 1992: 148-150
5EEJames Mayfield: University of Maryland/ConQuest: description of the ICTOAN system as used for MUC-4. MUC 1992: 276-281
4 James Mayfield: Controlling Inference in Plan Recognition. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 2(1-2): 55-82 (1992)
3EEJames Mayfield, Edwin Addison: Synchronetics: MUC-3 test results and analysis. MUC 1991: 108-111
2EEJames Mayfield, Edwin Addison: Synchronetics: description of the Synchronetics system used for MUC-3. MUC 1991: 207-211
1 Robert Wilensky, David N. Chin, Marc Luria, James H. Martin, James Mayfield, Dekai Wu: The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project. Computational Linguistics 14(3): 35-84 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Edwin Addison [2] [3]
2Amit Banerjee [20]
3Akram Boughannam [14] [15]
4David N. Chin [1] [17]
5G. Ciany [37]
6R. Scott Cost [14] [15] [36]
7Cash Costello [20]
8R. Cutts [37]
9David S. Doermann [33]
10Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [8] [14] [15] [36] [39]
11Clay Fink [36]
12Martin Franz [33]
13Samuel Gustman [33]
14Xiaoli Huang [33]
15Akshay Java [39]
16Anupam Joshi [36] [39]
17Liliya Kharevych [33]
18Pranam Kolari [39]
19Yannis Labrou [8] [14] [15]
20Xiaocheng Luan [14] [15]
21Marc Luria [1] [17]
22James H. Martin [1] [17]
23Justin Martineau [39]
24Paul McNamee [12] [13] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [37] [38] [40]
25G. Craig Murray [33]
26Charles K. Nicholas [7] [11] [40]
27Douglas W. Oard [33]
28Claudia Pearce [30]
29Yun Peng [14] [15]
30Christine D. Piatko [13] [18] [19] [20] [22] [30]
31Bhuvana Ramabhadran [33]
32P. Schone [37]
33Ralph D. Semmel [9]
34Tom Smith [37]
35Ian Soboroff [14] [15]
36Dagobert Soergel [33]
37Stephanie Strassel [33]
38Jianqiang Wang [33]
39Robert Wilensky [1] [17]
40Dekai Wu [1] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)