
Theerayod Wiangtong

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8EESirisak Leephokhanon, Theerayod Wiangtong: Object Tracking and Motion Capturing in Hardware-Accelerated Multi-camera System. ARC 2009: 324-329
7EEGeorge A. Constantinides, Wai-Kei Mak, Theerayod Wiangtong: Guest Editorial: Field Programmable Technology. Signal Processing Systems 51(1): 1-2 (2008)
6 P. Potipantong, Theerayod Wiangtong, Phaophak Sirisuk, Apisak Worapishet: A Scaleable FFT/IFFT Kernel for Communication Systems Using Codesign Approach. FPT 2005: 329-330
5EETheerayod Wiangtong, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk: Cluster-Driven Hardware/Software Partitioning and Scheduling Approach for a Reconfigurable Computer System. FPL 2003: 1071-1074
4EETheerayod Wiangtong, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk: A Unified Codesign Run-Time Environment for the UltraSONIC Reconfigurable Computer. FPL 2003: 396-405
3EETheerayod Wiangtong, Chun Te Ewe, Peter Y. K. Cheung: SONICmole: a debugging environment for the UltraSONIC reconfigurable computer. ISCAS (2) 2003: 808-811
2EETheerayod Wiangtong, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk: Multitasking in hardware-software codesign for reconfigurable computer. ISCAS (5) 2003: 621-624
1EETheerayod Wiangtong, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk: Tabu Search with Intensification Strategy for Functional Partitioning in Hardware-Software Codesign. FCCM 2002: 297-298

Coauthor Index

1Peter Y. K. Cheung [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2George A. Constantinides [7]
3Chun Te Ewe [3]
4Sirisak Leephokhanon [8]
5Wayne Luk [1] [2] [4] [5]
6Wai-Kei Mak [7]
7P. Potipantong [6]
8Phaophak Sirisuk [6]
9Apisak Worapishet [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)