
Jun Shi

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10EEFeng Xue, Jun Shi: Uplink Throughput Scaling in Dense Wireless Networks with Limited Collaboration. GLOBECOM 2008: 881-886
9EEJun Shi, Minnie Ho: MIMO Broadcast Channels with Channel Estimation. ICC 2007: 1042-1047
8EEJun Shi, Richard D. Wesel: A Study on Universal Codes With Finite Block Lengths. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(9): 3066-3074 (2007)
7EETracey Ho, Muriel Médard, Ralf Koetter, David R. Karger, Michelle Effros, Jun Shi, Ben Leong: A Random Linear Network Coding Approach to Multicast. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(10): 4413-4430 (2006)
6EEQingyong Li, Zhiping Shi, Jun Shi, Zhongzhi Shi: Swarm Intelligence Clustering Algorithm Based on Attractor. ICNC (3) 2005: 496-504
5EEQingyong Li, Jun Shi, Zhongzhi Shi: A model of attention-guided visual sparse coding. IEEE ICCI 2005: 120-125
4EEAditya Ramamoorthy, Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel: On the capacity of network coding for random networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(8): 2878-2885 (2005)
3EEHerwin Chan, Alireza Hodjat, Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel, Ingrid Verbauwhede: Streaming Encryption for a Secure Wavelength and Time Domain Hopped Optical Network. ITCC (2) 2004: 578-582
2 Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel: Efficient Computation of Trellis Code Generating Functions. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(2): 219-227 (2004)
1EEZhongzhi Shi, Jun Shi: Perspectives on Cognitive Informatics. IEEE ICCI 2003: 129-136

Coauthor Index

1Herwin Chan [3]
2Michelle Effros [7]
3Minnie Ho [9]
4Tracey Ho [7]
5Alireza Hodjat [3]
6David R. Karger [7]
7Ralf Koetter (Ralf Kötter) [7]
8Ben Leong [7]
9Qingyong Li [5] [6]
10Muriel Médard [7]
11Aditya Ramamoorthy [4]
12Zhiping Shi [6]
13Zhongzhi Shi [1] [5] [6]
14Ingrid Verbauwhede [3]
15Richard D. Wesel [2] [3] [4] [8]
16Feng Xue [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)