
Youyi Wang

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11EEYuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Jinchuan Zheng: Stability analysis and design of reset systems: Theory and an application. Automatica 45(2): 492-497 (2009)
10EEMohammad Hossein Nikpanah, Youyi Wang, Frank L. Lewis, Ai Qun Liu: Real time controller design to solve the "pull-in" instability of MEMS actuator. ICARCV 2008: 1724-1729
9EEJunbo Jia, Youyi Wang, S. Li, G. Wang: A dynamic discharge structure for ultracapacitor application in the fuel cell UPS. ICARCV 2008: 2102-2107
8EEJunbo Jia, Youyi Wang, Dibo Lian: Matlab / simulink based-study on PEM fuel cell and battery hybrid system. ICARCV 2008: 2108-2113
7EEHui Li, Chunling Du, Youyi Wang: A novel algorithm for unknown periodic disturbance cancellation in HDDs. ICARCV 2008: 97-102
6EEJinchuan Zheng, Guoxiao Guo, Youyi Wang, Minyue Fu: A Generalized Disturbance Filter Design and its Applications to a Spinstand Servo System with Microactuator. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
5EEYing Li, Guoxiao Guo, Youyi Wang: Phase Lead Reset Control Design with an Application to HDD Servo Systems. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
4EEMingxuan Sun, Danwei Wang, Youyi Wang: Reducing the effect of initial condition offsets using selective previous cycle data. ICARCV 2004: 613-618
3EEFengdan Dong, Youyi Wang, Jianying Zhou: Design of an Hinfinity controller with internal model principle for disturbance rejection in optical disk drives. ICARCV 2002: 478-483
2 Jianying Zhou, Rujing Zhou, Youyi Wang: Robust Nonlinear Reduced-Order Dynamic Controller Design and its Application to a Single-link Manipulator. ICRA 2001: 1149-1154
1 Jinyan Meng, Yong Chai Soh, Youyi Wang: FMS Jobshop Scheduling Using Lagrangian Relaxation Method. ICRA 1995: 490-495

Coauthor Index

1Fengdan Dong [3]
2Chunling Du [7]
3Minyue Fu [6]
4Guoxiao Guo [5] [6]
5Yuqian Guo [11]
6Junbo Jia [8] [9]
7Frank L. Lewis [10]
8Hui Li [7]
9S. Li [9]
10Ying Li [5]
11Dibo Lian [8]
12Ai Qun Liu [10]
13Jinyan Meng [1]
14Mohammad Hossein Nikpanah [10]
15Yong Chai Soh [1]
16Mingxuan Sun [4]
17Danwei Wang [4]
18G. Wang [9]
19Lihua Xie [11]
20Jinchuan Zheng [6] [11]
21Rujing Zhou [2]
22Jianying Zhou [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)