
Nan Wang

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23 Nan Wang, Changhe Yuan, Shane C. Burgess, Bindu Nanduri, Mark Lawrence, Susan Bridges: Integrating Evidence for Evaluation of Potential Novel Protein-coding Genes Using Bayesian Networks. BIOCOMP 2008: 838-843
22EENan Wang, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Kian-Lee Tan, Anthony K. H. Tung: CSV: visualizing and mining cohesive subgraphs. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 445-458
21EEAzeez Sanusi, Nan Wang, Magdy A. Bayoumi: Guaranteeing QoS with the pipelined multi-channel central caching NoC communication architecture. SoCC 2008: 75-78
20EENan Wang, Kai Tang: Five-axis tool path generation for a flat-end tool based on iso-conic partitioning. Computer-Aided Design 40(12): 1067-1079 (2008)
19EENirwan Ansari, Gang Cheng, Nan Wang: Routing-oriented update schEme (ROSE) for link state updating. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(6): 948-956 (2008)
18EENan Wang, Xuhui Liu, Jin He, Jizhong Han, Lisheng Zhang, Zhiyong Xu: Collaborative Memory Pool in Cluster System. ICPP 2007: 17
17EEXuezhi Wen, Wei Liu, Nan Wang, Huai Yuan, Hong Zhao: Improved Wavelet Feature Extraction Methods Based on HSV Space for Vehicle Detection. MVA 2007: 376-379
16EEWei Liu, Chunyan Song, Pengyu Fu, Nan Wang, Huai Yuan: A Rear Vehicle Location Algorithm for Lane Change Assist. MVA 2007: 82-85
15EENan Wang, Kai Tang: Automatic generation of gouge-free and angular-velocity-compliant five-axis toolpath. Computer-Aided Design 39(10): 841-852 (2007)
14EEEu-Jin Goh, Stanislaw Jarecki, Jonathan Katz, Nan Wang: Efficient Signature Schemes with Tight Reductions to the Diffie-Hellman Problems. J. Cryptology 20(4): 493-514 (2007)
13EEFiona M. McCarthy, Susan M. Bridges, Nan Wang, G. Bryce Magee, W. Paul Williams, Dawn S. Luthe, Shane C. Burgess: AgBase: a unified resource for functional analysis in agriculture. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 599-603 (2007)
12EEEran Halperin, Guy Kortsarz, Robert Krauthgamer, Aravind Srinivasan, Nan Wang: Integrality Ratio for Group Steiner Trees and Directed Steiner Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 36(5): 1494-1511 (2007)
11EENan Wang, Nirwan Ansari, Roberto Rojas-Cessa: Improving the Accuracy of EEAC-SV with Smart Packet Marking. GLOBECOM 2006
10EEXuezhi Wen, Hong Zhao, Nan Wang, Huai Yuan: A Rear-Vehicle Detection System for Static Images Based on Monocular Vision. ICARCV 2006: 1-4
9EEXuhui Liu, Nan Wang, Guozhong Sun, Jizhong Han, Lisheng Zhang, Chengde Han: Remote iSCSI Cache on InfiniBand: An Approach to Optimize iSCSI System. ICPP Workshops 2006: 527-534
8EERajiv Gandhi, Samir Khuller, Aravind Srinivasan, Nan Wang: Approximation algorithms for channel allocation problems in broadcast networks. Networks 47(4): 225-236 (2006)
7EEZhenjie Zhang, Xinyu Guo, Hua Lu, Anthony K. H. Tung, Nan Wang: Discovering strong skyline points in high dimensional spaces. CIKM 2005: 247-248
6 Nan Wang, Magdy A. Bayoumi: Fraction Control Bus: A New SoC On-chip Communication Architecture Design. ESA 2005: 124-129
5EEStephen Eubank, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marathe, Aravind Srinivasan, Nan Wang: Structural and algorithmic aspects of massive social networks. SODA 2004: 718-727
4EEJonathan Katz, Nan Wang: Efficiency improvements for signature schemes with tight security reductions. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2003: 155-164
3EERajiv Gandhi, Samir Khuller, Aravind Srinivasan, Nan Wang: Approximation Algorithms for Channel Allocation Problems in Broadcast Networks. RANDOM-APPROX 2003: 47-58
2EEEran Halperin, Guy Kortsarz, Robert Krauthgamer, Aravind Srinivasan, Nan Wang: Integrality ratio for group Steiner trees and directed steiner trees. SODA 2003: 275-284
1 Mark N. Wegman, Karin Högstedt, Doug Kimelman, V. T. Rajan, Tova Roth, Nan Wang: Optimizing Component Interaction. LCTES/OM 2001: 181-181

Coauthor Index

1Nirwan Ansari [11] [19]
2Magdy A. Bayoumi (Magdy Bayoumi) [6] [21]
3Susan M. Bridges (Susan Bridges) [13] [23]
4Shane C. Burgess [13] [23]
5Gang Cheng [19]
6Stephen Eubank [5]
7Pengyu Fu [16]
8Rajiv Gandhi [3] [8]
9Eu-Jin Goh [14]
10Xinyu Guo [7]
11Eran Halperin [2] [12]
12Chengde Han [9]
13Jizhong Han [9] [18]
14Jin He [18]
15Karin Högstedt [1]
16Stanislaw Jarecki [14]
17Jonathan Katz [4] [14]
18Samir Khuller [3] [8]
19Doug Kimelman [1]
20Guy Kortsarz [2] [12]
21Robert Krauthgamer [2] [12]
22V. S. Anil Kumar [5]
23Mark Lawrence [23]
24Wei Liu [16] [17]
25Xuhui Liu [9] [18]
26Hua Lu [7]
27Dawn S. Luthe [13]
28G. Bryce Magee [13]
29Madhav V. Marathe [5]
30Fiona M. McCarthy [13]
31Bindu Nanduri [23]
32Srinivasan Parthasarathy [22]
33V. T. Rajan [1]
34Roberto Rojas-Cessa [11]
35Tova Roth [1]
36Azeez Sanusi [21]
37Chunyan Song [16]
38Aravind Srinivasan [2] [3] [5] [8] [12]
39Guozhong Sun [9]
40Kian-Lee Tan [22]
41Kai Tang [15] [20]
42Anthony K. H. Tung [7] [22]
43Mark N. Wegman [1]
44Xuezhi Wen [10] [17]
45W. Paul Williams [13]
46Zhiyong Xu [18]
47Changhe Yuan [23]
48Huai Yuan [10] [16] [17]
49Lisheng Zhang [9] [18]
50Zhenjie Zhang [7]
51Hong Zhao [10] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)